soukoku headcanons

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A/N- these are just some headcanons of soukoku and their are 1 -2 that aren't.

TW: talking about scars,cutting death, kinda of eating disorder

-dazai learned to cook after he left the port mafia,and it's actually delicious

- sometimes dazai gets insecure about his scars and when every he would look at them he would have the urge to cut more, Chuuya would always draw little shapes on his scars to make him try to forget those thoughts.

- dazai keeps Oda's number even after his death, just so he can ring it and let it go to voice mail just to hear his voice.

-chuuya often gets nightmares after using corruption

-when ever chuuya has nightmares, dazai would always come sleep in the same bed as him to make him feel safer

-chuuya is very clingy to dazai after nightmares.

-in dazai and chuuya free time, the have a horror movie marthon to see who'll chicken out first, and chuuya always ended up just falling asleep on dazai.

- when chuuya is sad, dazai always leaves little pieces of chocolate or sweets on his desk, bed, drawer, to make him feel better. It always works.

-one time dazai and chuuya got in an argument. Later in the day dazai asked for a cup of water, chuuya gave him a cup of ice, looked him dead in the eyes and said "wait" and walked away.

-Chuuya loves hoodies 2 sizes too big cause there more comfy.

-kyoka thinks of chuuya as a brother

- dazai gets extremely cold at night, to the point were he had 3 huge blankets and was still freezing

-dazai always pranks chuuya on April Fools day, and chuuya always falls for them

-when chuuya has a long day at work, dazai will make him a bath, order a bunch of junk food and set up their gaming console to make him feel better

-chuuya will sulk on the ceiling

- chuuya will figit with his hands if he's anxious

- dazai knows all of chuuya's habit, big or small

- chuuya takes his gloves off when he's alone with dazai.

- dazai gets to hold chuuya's hand when he doesn't have his gloves on

-chuuya can juggle.

- dazai knows all of chuuya's favourite  poems off by heart

-dazai's home screen wallpaper is chuuya in an oversized hoodie

-chuuya's home screen wallpaper is dazai smiling (a genuine smile)

-mori, koykou and hitsuro were the first people to start shipping soukoku

-chuuya had never tried ice cream and when dazai found out, he bought all the flavours and made him try them all

-soukoku bought a ice shaving machine, and it is used a lot

- they go on late night motorbike rides

-dazai braids chuuya's hair

-when they dazai was in the port mafia, him and chuuya would sometime 'borrow' koykou's make-up for fun

-Q and gin and akutagawa are dazai's kids, and when he was in the port mafia he would often bring them for ice cream. ( yes he did buy akutagawa ice cream and treat him his age, and those were akutagawa's favourite days)

- they have definitely faked a proposal to get free desert

-they can pick up on each others moods really quickly

- dazai can't handle compliment, and will get really flustered

- when chuuya first saw dazai in a pair of glasses, he fainted because how hot he thought dazai looked (dazai was trying on glasses for fun and showed chuuya)

-dazai had like 1 pair of cloth in the pm and ada, work clothes. When chuuya realized this he grabs dazai, and took him clothes shopping for some new outfits.

-when dazai was in the port mafia, he had tried much food other than canned meals, to when he and chuuya went to a restaurant after a mission, he was really confused at all the different food and names, chuuya realized this and ordered for him. And soon after that day, he and dazai would go to a restaurant and try a different dish each time. It made chuuya really happy because dazai was actually taking an interest in food

- dazai likes the left side of the bed, and chuuya likes the right side of the bed. It works perfectly for them

- dazai has a lot of laundry tricks and hacks, that do wonders, but he doesn't share them with chuuya and he does do his small amount of laundry often either!

-dazai is really good at ice skating

-dazai is really indecisive, most of his life he had to just chose between two things and they were mostly strategical

-sigma doesn't know what ligma is😂

- when dazai was with mori, he was told not to waste to much space and money, by mori once. That's why he barely had anything, clothes, food ect.

-They have a food date Sunday, were they go to a restaurant and try new food

-some days dazai would hurt or anger chuuya so much then beg chuuya to kill him. This happens when dazai cant take it any more. Chuuya always gets pissed when dazai angers him, but then so sad at himself for always getting pissed.

- dazai actually asking to eat something or have seconds is an early Christmas for chuuya

- dazai can untangle chuuya's hair with out a comb

-chuuya never got the 'talk', so when dazai made a sex joke, and chuuya didn't get it, dazai used is smart brain to connect the dots. He made koykou give chuuya the talk

- dazai is rich, like a billionaire, but need it hidden

-one time mori said a funny joke at a meeting and dazai said"that's almost as funny as watching you sleep!" and ever since then mori has installed military grade locks on his doors.

-dazai is a natural born genius but mori cultivated his intellect for his own use, forcing him to read books on war, strategy and money so that he can make 10x the profits the mafia would normally get.

-kunkida reminds dazai of odasaku, because of how similar they are, so when he sees kunkida really badly injured, like stabbed or shot, he gets flash backs

-Dazai made sure that chuuya wouldn't be under mori, but instead koykou because he didn't want chuuya to be hurt by mori

-dazai can sing, dance, and play like almost every single instrument

-dazai and yosano have a sibling like bond, they both hate mori etc.

-chuuya could be punching dazai one second, but the moment dazai even trips, chuuya's running over to him like he got stabbed

words - 1064

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