An Awkward Reunion.

Start from the beginning

"I'll see if I can bring you clothes from your apartment later in the week," Peter nodded at her outfit. "You don't wanna be wearing that, right? Spring's coming soon."

Cat looked down at the coat she'd gotten from Parker's universe, she liked it, but it was too heavy for the incoming weather. "If you can find a way to get my clothes without being seen, go for it."

"I have my ways," she could hear his smile under the mask.

She stepped forward and hugged him, it felt a little like the old times.

"Well..." Parker approached. "I guess this is it..."

Cat glanced at Peter and Matt unable to forget she'd dated them and now she'd also slept with Parker. Maybe being a flirt was a little inconvenient after all. 

"I'll be fine," she sighed. "If you're sure you want to continue with your experiments... use that thing wisely. Don't do it if you're only doing it for... you know, what you said before. And... have a good life."

Parker let out a scoff that sounded a little like a laugh. "Heartfelt."

Cat was upset about having to leave him in such a rush after the night they'd spent together, but there was no point in lamenting. Duty was duty and she had a mission. She would forget all about him and his world soon.

"I'll see you when I see you."

"Yeah, you will," he muttered, looking at Matt and Peter over her shoulder. "Coming, Webs?"

"In a minute," Peter stepped toward her. "Can we talk in private for a sec?"

Cat nodded. "Care to leave us alone, guys?"

"Sure. I have rounds to make, so I might not come back while you're still up," Matt informed her, "See you, Spider-man."

"Bye, DD," Peter waved at him briefly.

"See you, Luci."

Matt jumped to the next rooftop, Parker rolled his eyes and murmured something that sounded a lot like "show off" before walking to the emergency stairs.

"What's the plan?" Her friend asked quietly once they were left alone. "Should I look for a way to contact Harley?"

"No," she said. "Someone could be listening to his calls. I'm not big on plans, Pete, you know that... I need to get a new suit, but I can't go to L.A. to get it. I'll call Shuri, though she might not want to make a new one if I lost the first..."

Peter noticed the fear in her eyes, he placed his hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently. "You got this, C. I'm not leaving you alone."

"I'm so tired of running in circles," she looked up to avoid crying. "All my actions always drag me right back into a cage. I don't think freedom wants me."

Peter hugged her again, it was funny how their heights had fluctuated throughout the years. The last time they'd stood on a rooftop like this, he could barely reach her shoulder, and now he was an inch taller than her. She was a little annoyed that this was all she could think about whenever she was around him, their past together and all that had been. She wondered if he had the same issue.

"This is not your fault."

"But it is."

"You didn't know Russo would hire Kraven and that he knew all of your identities."

"I should've known. I was careless. Dmitri knew I was agent Zero, I should've known Kraven knew as well— and I just—"

"Cat," he stepped away, frowning. "You need therapy."

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