Chapter Twenty One: Torn Pages

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I wake up with my arms wrapped around Heizou's sleeping body even though I'm sure that I didn't consciously do that last night.

There's no light peeking through the window whatsoever, so I assume that means it's really early.

Ugh, I wanna stay with Heizou longer, but I'm not tired at all.

I separate myself from him, as sus as that sounds, and creep downstairs.

If I stay in bed too long I get migraines, so I should get up now, but I don't want to wake anyone else up.

I sit down quietly at Kazuha's table.

If only I had some form of entertainment, but alas, I've got nothing.

I raise my head as I catch the sound of quiet footsteps in the hallway behind me.

I turn to see Kazuha appear in the dark doorway, holding a white mug in his hands.

Damn it's weird seeing him with his hair down.

He looks up, catches my eye, and walks over to me.

"You're up early. It's four am. Can't sleep?" He whispers.

I nod.

"If I stay in bed too long I'll get a migraine and that's no fun." I admit.

Kazuha sits down as well.

"Well, no one will be up until at least five, so you have quite some time to wait." He says quietly.

Why is my gut telling me to run?

"You're up too. In fact, what the heck are you doing up so early?" I ask.

Kazuha laughs quietly.

"I'm a light sleeper and an early riser. Not as early as Tomo usually, but I got really thirsty a little bit ago so I came to refill my water cup." He says, motioning to the white mug.

"I see. Am I keeping you up?" I ask.

My gut is really twisting now.

Or maybe it's just my desire to be near Heizou.

Archons, I'm such a yandere.

But I feel like it's only polite to indulge in conversation with Kazuha a little bit longer, and if that sentence sounds weirdly poetic, believe me, Kazuha can really rub off on you.

"No, you are quiet. I think I am too awake to sleep as well." Kazuha admits.

"So uh.... Do I need to apologize for my brother possessing you?" I ask awkwardly.

Kazuha tilts his head.

"You are fine. I allowed him to do so, after all." He says.

Everything seems normal here, so...was Heizou's assessment of Kazuha's suspicious behavior incorrect?

I want to ask Kazuha about that, but maybe I shouldn't.

But then again, Heizou did say that the only way to fuck up his plan is to not turn against all them and actively become the new murderer, which is quite easy to do.

But then again again, I don't want to make anything significantly harder for Heizou to accomplish.

I think I'll wait a little longer and assess the situation, especially considering how much my gut is telling me to not trust Kazuha.

"Oh, when you found Ayaka, did you happen to find-" I stop.

Does Kazuha know about my science textbook and its significance to myself as a spirit?

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