Anna-Chapter 13

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Lyssa and I hadn't moved for almost an hour. I was still completely worn out from having sex with her...twice. I never thought I would get to fuck her even once. This was truly my fairytale. Lyssa starting moving around on the bed and I shifted so she could get up. She mumbled something about wanting to take a shower. I was too tired to try and follow her...neither us of were ready for a round 3 besides I needed to think of more things to do to...with her. I heard her phone ringing from the nightstand and crawled across the bed to pick it up. The name flashing across the screen surprised me. It was Justin. I almost put her phone back down knowing that I shouldn't snoop...almost. I decided I would take a quick peek at there messages. Big fucking mistake. I was met with a few nudes from Lyssa that's not right. Only two days ago. Meaning while we were...well whatever we were she was still fucking around with Justin? no no. I couldn't do this again I couldn't do this with another girl. God it hurts. Justin's name appeared again and this time I took her phone and left the bedroom. I answered on the fifth ring. "Hello?" I said quietly. "Who is this?" Justin said clearly high on something. Oh shit what do I say "Lyssa's girlfriend." I said not knowing if that's what we really are. I heard a high laugh come from the phone " gotta be shitting me Lyssa doesn't have a girlfriend she has me...oh wait I get your her little fuckbuddy aren't you...yeah I remember you now Lyssa mentioned you once. Lyssa's trying to get back at me for cheating." Silence. It was like the walls had come crashing down around me. I instantly hung up and threw her phone towards the wall. She was fucking using me. She didn't love me she was using me to fuck with Justin. She said she loved me the only girl I had ever fucking wanted that from didn't even mean it. Lyssa called out my name but I was too angry...too hurt. I grabbed my backpack and rushed to put my clothes on as I heard the shower turn off. I threw the strap against the wall which made a loud banging noise. I heard Lyssa call out again but I just left. I couldn't handle being in the bed we just made love...we just fucked in. I couldn't be around her. Hot salty tears began running down my cheeks as I rushed out slamming the door behind me. I heard Lyssa call out again but I just ran off going back to my house. I didn't care that it was the middle of the night and I probably looked crazy...I couldn't stay in there with that bitch listening to her bullshit excuses and ending with her bribing me with more fucking sex...I didn't want to fuck her! I wanted to make love to her...hearing her moan my name for hours as I pleasured her. My phone began to ring and her name flashed on my screen. I declined. She called again and I declined. The cycle repeated until I got home and I finally texted her "I wish I had smashed your fucking phone." And proceeded to block her. I couldn't even call myself angry anymore I was just so so hurt. It would have been one thing if it was just sex...sure it still would have hurt but it wouldn't have been so bad. But no she told she me loved me...she took it to fucking far with that. Using me and toying with my fucking emotions was just evil. I ran up the steps into my house making sure not to make too much noise then closed my door and locked it. My mother would have to get a crowbar and remove the fucking lock if she wanted to get in here. I was not leaving. I couldn't go to school and face my friends...hell I couldn't even stand looking at Coach Blake. He reminded me of her...everything fucking REMINDED ME OF HER. I threw my phone at the wall to release some anger but all that did was shatter the glass screen. "FUCK" I screamed in agony. "Fuck" I said quieter this time. This girl...this girl I thought fell in love with me...this girl I thought I had made love to...this girl...her blonde hair...her blue eyes...this girl never loved me. She never needed me. She never held any passion for me. She still held everything for him he was her matter how much I wanted to be...he had her wrapped around his finger waiting on his every move. She lied to me...every time she told me she was going to breakup with him she didn't. She probably just sent him more nudes. Hell she's probably fucked the whole football team. She's probably the one cheating on Justin not the other way around. She's probably the fucking villain in all the scenarios. I slid down the wall next to my shattered phone and put my head in my hands and sobbed. I fucking sobbed. I cried for hours over this girl who had made me believe that she had loved me. This girl...this fucking girl who I thought...who I hoped would be my girl. Big fucking mistake. 

Anna broke down for the first time in months and in that moment...Anna knew Lyssa saw never herself...loving Anna.

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