Lyssa-Chapter 7

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The crowd was screaming and chanting. The cheerleads on both teams were trying to cheer even louder but could barely be heard over the roar of the crowd. Coach Hart wasn't in the mood today and kept yelling at me to cheer louder. I was barely even whispering. I was not in the mood to be here but missing a game meant I would be benched the next one. I saw Anna walk in with all her friends. They were staring at me. Trying not make it obvious but I knew it was me they came to see not the stupid game. "Lyssa for gods sake I'm telling you to cheer" coach screamed at me. I was so sick of her treating me like a stupid child who couldn't understand English. "Maybe the reason no one can hear me is because we're at the fucking game where everyone is cheering!" I yelled back at her. She was caught off guard but quickly regained her composure. "Lyssa your benched for this game AND the next game I'm sick of your attitude usually you're so much better than this." I was shocked. This was one of the first times she had ever benched someone. All the girls on the team were glaring at me as if I had ruined their lives. "It's one fucking game get over yourselves" I grumbled. Coach glared at me and told me "not to make a scene" and "save myself the humiliation." Well too late I was already humiliated now that everyone was staring at me. I glanced up at the stands and saw Anna staring at me with confusion in her eyes. I stomped off to the bathroom and yes, I was very aware that I was acting like a child, but I hated Coach Hart. She was such a fucking bitch she never understood the words "bad day" sometimes people can have bad fucking days and they aren't in the mood to deal with bullshit fucking shit. I shoved my way into the bathroom and slammed the stall door. I was so sick of everything and I just couldn't do it anymore! Suddenly I heard the roar of the crowd rush into the small space then abruptly stop. I didn't give a damn who walked in here until I heard a timid knock on my stall door. "Go away" I yelled trying to sound stern but came out sounding shaky. I heard a small voice say "I was just checking on you I uhm..I said what happened with you and Coach Hart." I rolled my eyes and shoved open the stall ready to yell at whatever teammate was on the other side. But to my surprise I was met with the golden brown eyes which now I realized were more green than brown. I looked at her up and down trying to regain my composure. She didn't look dazed by my outburst but also looked nervous. She was nervous taking to me. "Oh Anna..right?" I said praying I hadn't gotten her name wrong. "Yeah uh Coach Blake introduced us." She squeaked. I nodded "I remember." "Yeah." She said. We both just stood there awkwardly until moved around her to try get to the sink so I could mask the fact that I had been crying. She moved to the side so that I could pass her and as I did I brushed against her body. It sent electric shocks down my spine and I had to resist the urge to shudder at the warmth radiating off of her. She looked at me as I waited for the cold water to come pouring out of the tap. "Coach Hart is pretty shitty." She said with slight humor in her voice. I smiles a little letting her know that she didn't need to be worried about me. But she was...she was worried about me. I could see it in her eyes the concern she held for someone she barely knew. But it was there. I pushed off of the sink and immediately came face to face with her. My face hovering inches from hers. She stepped backwards slightly and I could see she was just as suprised as I was. Out of impulse I grabbed her hand to stop her from moving. She looked into my eyes nervous but excited. Her excitement was like a firecracker in my heart. I moved my hand to her face caressing her soft skin. I moved my other hand to the back of her neck and pulled her face to mine. Our noses were touching and our lips were so close. I could feel her heart beating through her chest. She moved her mouth to mine skimming my lips. She lifted her hand to my face and tucked a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear. Then she kissed me. She pushed her face onto mine and I obliged opening my mouth for her tongue to invade me. Our tongues collided and I could feel the passion and need coming from her lips. I felt the exact same way. I felt so much passion for this girl. I barely knew her and yet I couldn't resist kissing her. Eventually she pulled backwards gasping for breath. She looked at me waiting to say something. I couldn't...I was speechless. That kiss had left me speechless that was something I never had with Justin. Our kisses never felt passionate our kisses never felt like we needed each other and our kisses definitely did not leave me wanting more. Instead of saying anything I just lowered my head and pushed open the bathroom door. Anna was still standing there with her gaze fallen to the floor as I took one last look at her hoping she would beg me to stay. And when she didn't I shoved open the door back to the noisy gymnasium. Back to reality where...where I belonged. I wanted so badly to doubt her. To think that I was just some conquest to her. But it wasn't like that. That kiss...that was someone..someone who finally loved me.

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