She then turned over and faced Bloom. "How's your evocation classes?"

Bloom crossed his arms and looked up to the stone ceiling. "Mr. Gogglerigle is... interesting. He's eccentric... to say the least. His classes are pretty fun. We are actually going on a field trip later today." He explained.

Nebi shot up immediately. "Where? Can I come?" She quickly asked with a wide grin.

"Nebi, you have classes then. We'll be gone by the time class lets out anyways." Bloom explained.

"Ugh, but that's dumb." She whined, hitting the sheets of the bed as if she were a young child.

Although it wasn't completely false. Despite being only a grade apart, Nebi was several years younger then Bloom. While Bloom was nearing adult-hood, Nebi was hardly a teenager.

Technically, she was even younger considering her Kobold heritage.

Suddenly, a low metallic toll rumbled through the air.

Both Bloom and Nebi glanced up to the ceiling at the source of the sound, "Feels like the bell rang earlier today." Bloom commented, rising from his seat,

"I need to get going quickly," He explained, grabbing his bag and component satchel from his dresser next to him.

Nebi sat up on the bed. "Can't we walk together? Where are you going?" She asked before hopping off the bed and grabbing her small backpack that was no larger than a purse.

"I need to go to the courtyard for Evocation class; the field trip, remember?" Bloom asked, walking to his door and holding it open.

"Oh yeah." Nebi huffed, walking through the door. "Dumb field trip."

Bloom and Nebi walked from the dorm and into the long stoney hallway that connected the dorms to the main courtyard. The walls were made of simple carved stone. Lanterns hung from the walls near each dorm door. They were all enchanted to infinity burn so that the hallway was always lit.

Many other students of the Sanli Academy wandered through the halls. The sound of hundreds of footsteps made the hallway rumble with such force that Bloom was always surprised the floor held firm.

"I can't see anything." Nebi said as she stuck close to Bloom as to not get lost in the crowd of people.

"Hold on," Blood said before swiftly bending down in front of Nebi, letting her climb atop his shoulders.

With a slight wobble as he focused on keeping his balance, Bloom stood up and continued walking. "Better?"

Nebi simply laughed at the experience of seeing over everyone's heads. "Hey Bloom, do you think we could do this every morning?" She laughed, grabbing hold of her friend's horns to keep her balance.

Bloom chuckled as he focused more on keeping his balance then walking forward. "Eh, probably not. You're heavy for a Kobold."

"Hey, it's rude to call someone heavy." She complained, puffing out her scaly cheek and hitting the top of his head lightly.

Suddenly, a tall dragonborn with copper scales in the crowd ran by and smacked Nebi as they walked past. "Who let the kobold look above the rest of us." They shouted.

Nebi wobbled atop Bloom's head and looked at the dragonborn. "Oh shut up, keep moving Galdinx." She shouted, waving a fist at the dragonborn.

"It's alright Nebi, just ignore him." Bloom said as he moved to the side in order to balance Nebi on his shoulders.

At last, they reached the end of the hallway where it opened up into a large area that connected to most other places within the main building. The morning light flooded in from a large skylight that spanned the entirety of the ceiling.

Many other students walked along the area, all heading to their morning classes.

"This is where we part ways." Bloom said, bending down to let Nebi off of his shoulders.
Nebi practically tumbled off of Bloom's back, just managing to plant her feet to the ground at the last moment. "Have fun on the trip thing." She smiled, letting her dauntingly sharp teeth show in her mouth. "I should be around the food court somewhere when you get back... wait when do you get back?" She asked.

"Only a few hours after your classes end." He said, grabbing his bag and standing back up.
Nebi puffed out her cheeks again before crossing her arms. "Ok fine, I guess I'll stay at the food court longer than normal then. But you better show up then, alright?" She angrely poked at Bloom's sides. "Or else I'll hit you."

Bloom simply smiled and began to walk away, waving a hand behind him. "Don't worry, nothing will happen." He called as he disappeared into the crowd of students.

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