Chapter 41

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"Okay baby bye, I'm running late for my meeting with my friends", she informed Akwande on the other end of the call, "They can wait, I haven't spoken to you for hours I won't even mention seeing you", he complained. "You're better you're talking about hours, it's been weeks without them", she did not even remember the last time she saw them, "It's different.", she just chuckled, "Whatever, bye, I love you" "I love you more", she quickly hung up.

She rushed to the elevator, she was 10 minutes late and they were meeting in Omuhle's room. Just when she got out of the elevator, she found Azana waiting outside, "Hi Zanny", she said surprised, "Where are you going?", her breath still fast from rushing, "You call a meeting, and show up late, where do you think I'm going?", she was annoyed, she passed by her to the elevator. Peace's face dropped, "I'm sorry, please come with me I won't take long", she begged.

She knocked and nervously opened the door; all the eyes were glued on her, and their faces were not pleased. "Hi friends, how're you?", her heart was pounding so hard, "Friends?", Ntando sarcastically laughed as Peace went and stood by the window, "Before you say anything please allow me to say this", they all looked at her not pleased at all. She prepared herself and thought of a better way to put her words.

"I am deeply sorry for disappearing on you like that. I am aware that I was wrong, it seemed like our friendship was not so important to me once I was in a relationship", they all nodded with Omuhle humming in agreement. "I value you guys and I love you, you're all my friends I appreciate every single one of you. I got carried away with this relationship I haven't dated in a while, and I did not know how to do everything, it just happened super-fast, but I promise you I'm in control now. Thank you, you can say or ask anything.", she allowed them to talk.

She gave them some time to process everything she had just said, "Okay since no one is willing to start", Mandy said after a few minutes of silence, "Peace, you did us dirty, you must know that. We were so hurt that we suddenly became useless when you find your shining armor. We've dated before, and we never acted crazy but because you've come around and you explained yourself, I forgive you.", Peace nodded, "Thank you Mands.", she felt a bit relieved. Another minute of silence went by, she got scared that maybe they had nothing to say to her anymore.

"For someone who disappears every time they feel like it, I cannot judge you much. Yes, I was disappointed because it was nothing like you, but I also know this dating thing is new to you, so you're forgiven.", Ntando made it short and sweet. She had always thought that no one was entitled to involve their friends in their relationships, but they do not have to suddenly abandon their friends, "Thank you, Ntando.", she smiled. Two more to go then she knows her faith.

"Peace", Omuhle started, Peace knew this was going to take very long, "you know I'm going crazy with questions but for you neglecting us because you are blinded by love, I trusted you as my strong comrade when it comes to tough girls, I did not know you'd be a fallen soldier so soon. He must've fucked the brains out of your big head for you to just throw us out of your life like that. I forgive you, my friend, this is your very last chance, dare blow it, sweetheart. I want all the details about what has been happening while you were away. Girl, we going to spend a lot of time in this room you better prepare for a lot of sleepovers.", Peace smiled, "Yes ma'am.", Omuhle was an easiest friend than all of them when it came to emotional stuff.

An awkward silence hit again, "Azana, we're waiting for you", Ntando spoke, she knew she was the only one left to say something so everyone was confused why she needed a reminder, "I have nothing to say", she was unbothered typing away on her phone, "Azana, come on", Omuhle added. "All right, Peace I am not ready to forgive you, yet." They all went silent, again with Peace nodding in understanding, "I understand. Please let me know when you're ready to talk. Thank you, guys, for showing up, let me not keep you.", Azana stood up and left immediately, leaving everyone shocked. "You know she's moody, she'll come around", Mandy reassured Peace. They followed behind her out of Omuhle's room while chatting about minor things, "Peace, not so fast, girl get back here!", Omuhle yelled as Peace was about to close the door behind her.

"Spill the tea, what was happening while we were forgotten?", Omuhle asked right after Peace shut the door behind her. Peace stood in the middle of the room and screamed with so much joy, Omuhle joined in, and they jumped up and down with so much excitement. "Girl, sit right there and listen", Omuhle rushed to sit on her bed as Peace stood by the study desk. "Girl, that boy knows his job and he has a huge appetite", she cried out in happiness. "What about you? I hope you do not disappoint me with one style, always laying on your back like a full chicken", Omuhle cut her. "No", Peace answered unsure. Omuhle gave her a suspecting look, "My friend, I am not satisfied with your answer" "Okay, he's way better than I am, sometimes I feel like he would get tired of bored of me", Omuhle told her to come sit on the bed with her.

"Don't you ever show him that you doubt yourself, okay?", Peace nodded. "Now we have a lot of work to do", she added. Omuhle stood up to get a pen and paper, "We will search all the styles, then eliminate all that he'd shown you so that you can be able to come up with something too.", Peace was instantly interested in Omuhle's idea, that's why they got along, their minds functioned the same. They searched through the internet for all the sex styles they could find, Omuhle was so surprised when Peace kept scratching out multiple styles even the styles with the strangest names. "I do not know whether I should be happy or sad anymore", Omuhle said when they were left with two styles out of the whole page full of different styles, "It has only been two months and y'all had done all of this?", Peace looked over the page to see Omuhle, "Come on, says the freakiest freak of all time" "Girl, please I only know 7 styles in that list", she was indeed shocked. 

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