Chapter 8

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"I'm surprised that only two groups have met and discussed their project," the lecturer was briefing them at the end of the lecture. This was the least favourite of her classes and she did not even know which group she was in. "I'm giving you till this weekend for everyone to meet and start the project."

'No, no, no! I'm unavailable this weekend.'

When the class was over, she waited outside the lecture room for her friend. "Hi Bitch!", Rea greeted in excitement, "Princess, please tell me I'm in your group". "Definitely not, we're grouped according to our surnames." "Shit!" "What're you up to?", Rea asked worried because she knew her friend always had something to do when she should be doing schoolwork, "I have to work over the weekend." "Yes, you work at night I don't see no problem." "Except this weekend, I'm working all weekend.", she told her, "WTF is that?"

Peace did not want to involve her friends in her job, but she had to explain herself a little to make her friend understand and maybe advise her. "They're hosting special clients over the weekend from Friday to Sunday evening and I'm one of the highly recommended waitresses so I'm attending that." A little lie. "Oh Friend, just explain to your team that you need to meet before the weekend.", Rea advised her. 

Once they were seated at the cafeteria, at one of their favourite spots this time, she opened her email searching for the names of the people in her group. "OMG! I see one black surname here everyone else is either white or Indian." "Well, you hit a jackpot those are the people that always want to get their jobs done ASAP just email everyone, and friend don't disappoint this time." Rea knew that her friend was always late or postponing she could not afford to do that this time around because people were rearranging their schedules for her. "I know I won't fuck this one up." Rea went to fetch their order while Peace was anxiously waiting for her group's response as if she did not send out that email 3 minutes ago. 

"Stop that," Rea said shifting the burger and fries towards her friend. "Okay, they are people it's not like I'm requesting a murder. They will totally understand, if not, they will have to meet without me.", Rea laughed, "You're so dramatic. You need to get laid you're probably frustrated.", Peace gave her a bored look.

"I am getting laid." "What?? How come I don't know?", Rea was in pure shock. "I don't have to tell you everything, ma'am", she then turned back to her laptop screen but still could see the disappointment in Rea's face, "I'm kidding", she laughed, "Y'all annoy me just because y'all are now dating I'm suddenly a clown.", she explained. "So, I'm right you're frustrated my friend and everyone around you can see that?", Rea continued, "Fuck off, I..."

Beep! Beep!

"Oh! Wendy replied to my email", Peace excitedly informed her friend forgetting what she was saying, "she says she understands, I should pick a date. I'm going to marry her." "Oh, my friend you really need this weekend, I've never seen you so worked up about anything let alone schoolwork.", Rea teased.

They were a group of 6 people and the other two replied later that day having no issue with her request, so she was waiting for the other two and was a little relieved. She was now in her room playing soft music while fixing herself something to eat.

Knock! Knock!

Omuhle barged in, they always do that sometimes they do not even knock that is why when they have visitors, they lock the doors.

"Hi bitch, you got chili sauce? This food is tasteless without chili." "I now get why Ntando said we won't survive without sauces, check the fridge." She said reading another email from her group. She must admit they were fast repliers she would have noticed the email 3 days later.

"Let me eat with you," she took a sit at the end of Peace's bed and Peace raised her head from the phone and focused on her visitor that invited themselves. "What's up, Sweetie?", she knew something was eating her up, Omuhle cracked up fast if something was wrong. "I think Sabelo, and I are having a fight I'm not sure", she said then focused on her food. Peace wanted to laugh but it was too soon, and she did not know the seriousness of the matter. She sat down next to her.

'It hasn't even been a month'.

She looked down unable to face her friend without laughing, "What're y'all fighting about?" "Girl, you know I've been here before his energy changed, he's cheating, friend." She was right she's always right about the change of the energy, but they've been together for a few weeks what could bore the guy? "What're you thinking?", she asked looking dead straight into her eyes. Peace and Omuhle were known for bad decisions in the group so when Peace asked that question opposite of her name was brewing.

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