Chapter 38

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Peace may not always follow her, but her soul loved to be at peace, hence explaining her name. It had been three days since she came back from home. The situation with her dad was still unsolved, and her mother told her not to worry about it anymore and assured her that by the time she got back everything would be fine. Peace planned to focus on her job and make more money so she could be able to rent a flat for the December holidays and continue working to avoid going home should the things be unsolved then, because the negativity was draining her energy.

After multiple calls and text exchanges, she had finally agreed to see Akwande, so he was taking her out on a date tonight and she was quite excited about it. Several ideas of what she could wear had been flooding her mind from the day she agreed to go out with him. She searched lovely dresses from the social media and finally decided to buy a few she saw on Pinterest. She asked her friends to be available on that day so they would doll her up.

"I say wear the silky black dress, it goes well with these heels", Mandy recommended, her friends were helping her get dressed. She told them she was going on a date but did not mention it was with Akwande. "What time is it? We don't want you to be late", Omuhle asked as she checked the time, it was 7:35 pm, "I still have 25 minutes", Omuhle was still fixing her hair, "Are you nervous?", she asked, "A bit", Peace admitted, "You must like this guy", she did not answer that. "Okay guys, maybe a shot of tequila just to ease up my nerves", she suggested, "Nope, forget it, you're not going to that date with some alcohol in your system", Ntando said as she put on her heels. They have been blocking her from drinking, they said she will drink at the restaurant and not give the guy the bad impression of her, little did they know who was 'the guy'.

When 8 pm hit, she booked herself an Uber to the restaurant, she wanted to meet him there so that it would be the first time he sees her for the night, she wanted to see his reaction as she walked towards him. She looked really nice in a short black silky dress that had small splits on the sides, with her braids tied neatly into a ponytail and her edges were nicely laid. Peace was a naturally beautiful girl, her caramel skin was radiant, her thighs were fit, she had a very sexy body that fitted perfectly in that dress and her friends made sure she looked stunning, with her perfume representing her as a confident woman.

She got off at the entrance of the most luxurious place she'd ever seen, she tried not to look surprised this time. She took out her phone trying to reach Akwande but one of the waiters who were waiting at the entrance offered to take her to her table. He offered his arm so that Peace would lock it with hers and they walked to the restaurant. Peace was not a fan of heels, but she had gotten used to them since she worked with them most the time. The restaurant was fancy, with little jazz music playing and it was full of old people that were visibly rich. Akwande saw them approaching and his eyes were on her the whole time. He stood up and went to help her with her seat as she thanked the waiter.

'Yes boy, I can be super-hot.'

He stared at her for a couple of minutes and Peace sat there minding her business and hoping he would speak before they get awkward. "Something to drink, maybe?", she brought him back to reality, "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry. You caught me off guard", he said instantly becoming shy as he shook his head, maybe trying to bring back his brains. "Good evening Akwande, how're you?", he laughed out of embarrassment, "My mind completely forgot how to function, I'm good how're you? You look beautiful", she blushed, "I know that, thank you though. I'm good too. You also dressed up nice", she was telling the truth he indeed looked great.

He wore a white shirt with the two top buttons unbuttoned, black formal pants, necklace made of diamonds hanging around his neck, a Rolex watch on his right wrist, his hair was braided into small nicely styled cornrows, and his cologne made him even more attractive.

The waiter brought them a bottle of red dry wine. "I missed you so much", he looked in her eyes as she sipped the wine, "I want to be fully honest with you tonight", he said and she put down her glass and focused on him, "You're making me nervous", she said sitting properly.

"Oh, before I forget, I got you flowers", he handed her a bunch of roses with a note, "Thank you", she had a big smile, she never received flowers, let alone roses. "I must confess, I'm in love with you", her face remained the same, she had already discovered that. "I am not expecting any response from you yet, I'm just telling you how I feel", the waiter came, and they placed their orders. "What about your girlfriend?", she leaned back and sipped her wine, again, she was very sexy doing that. "I broke things up, it was unfair to her", she did not look surprised, nor sad, not even happy, and that made Akwande even more nervous. "How do I know you are serious about me?", he also leaned back on the chair, "Allow me to show you", he said seductively.

After an hour of flirting, they found themselves on the road going to finish their business at his place, "So, you braided your hair", she was looking outside the window of the car, "I wanted to look neat", she turned, "Oh, you can also see that those curls make you look like a child, they are cute though", he just looked at her and smiled then focused on driving. He took it as a complement but also noted that she did not quite like his hair, he indeed looked like a kid, a naughty kid even. 

Throughout the drive Akwande had been fighting the edge to grab her thighs that looked like they were begging for his huge hand. He focused on the road to avoid doing something impulsively. The feeling was mutual with Peace, she desperately wanted to tell him to stop the car so that they could make out at the back seat, but she contained herself, she did not want to leave a bad impression on their first date.

"This place will always mesmerize me", she looked around, tempted to go upstairs and look out the window. She held her heels on one hand and a phone on the other. "Here", he held out a glass of wine for her, "Boy, this wine has already done some damage, you really want to get me drunk, I thought you hated when I am drunk", she was tipsy from the bottle of wine they finished at the restaurant. She dropped her shoes and walked towards him, "I like it when you drink with me", Akwande said as she sipped from the glass while he was still holding it. Once she was in front of him, she realized she was very especially without heels. 

She looked directly into his eyes, "Why?", she really liked how he smelled. Akwande sensed the chemistry as they were very close to each other, he touched her face, and the physical tension got stronger, "You are fun", he leaned towards her, with their eyes still locked. He put the glass on the counter without even looking, then cupped her cute little tipsy face. Peace snaked her soft hand around his wide waist. "This is fun", she smiled at him, and her eyes sparkled as he admired her beautiful face. 

"What if we-", he cut her off with a kiss, a kiss she did not expect. Peace would talk nonstop when she was drunk and Akwande had caught on that. He pulled out from the kiss, but Peace did not even wait for him to explain. She grabbed his face and kissed him, and he responded immediately. They were both hungry for each other, and maybe it was the wine. He lifted her up and walked to the lounge. One second, they were on the couch, Akwande on top of her as they continued kissing and aggressively taking their clothes off. "Do you want this?", she nodded almost immediately, "I want you", she held his face. They had each other right there, multiple times until they fell asleep next to each other, they were very tired.

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