Chapter 24

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"Do you have a presenter, or should I pick one myself?", the lecturer asked as they stood in front of the class ready to present their work. They were dressed up formally and looked confident in their findings, "Two of us will present each topic.", Nadia replied earning a nod of agreement from their lecturer.

Nadia and Troy went first, presenting Eukarya. They outdid themselves; you could tell they have been practicing together. This made Peace nervous as she and Akwande never practiced their presentation together, they only split the work. Wendy and Ethan followed, they also did good, but Nadia and Troy were the best.

'What worse can happen?'

"...we would like to call our colleagues, Peace and Akwande to the front to present our last piece of the puzzle, Fungi.", Wendy announced pointing at them as they moved forward. Peace started presenting her part, she was a nervous wreck, but she managed to pull herself together. She handed it over to Akwande, who did his best while calm and collected. They had to answer a few questions from their classmates and the lecturer before taking their seats, their presentation took 30 minutes.

"I'm jealous of your group like y'all are so compatible and this was a teamwork.", Rea said being proud of her friend. "Thank you, friend, I'm still nervous as hell. That was hectic, I hope they do not think I disappointed them because that was my best.", she said focusing on the projector that displayed their work. "Oh, don't cut yourself short. You and your partner were the best, I'm actually surprised you put so much effort into schoolwork." She said bumping her shoulder.


"Chicken or beef? Double or single?", Rea asked walking a bit faster than Peace rushing to queue for burgers. "Pasta", she answered walking a bit slowly, "What? You know they don't sell it at the cafeteria" "And it's a walkable distance to the Eatery", she suggested. "Peace you are so unpredictable sometimes, but I'm craving a burger", Rea made out a sad face. "Okay let's get you a burger then we go get my food and eat there.", Peace suggested, "Sounds fine with me, so you'll wait at our table while I order then we leave", she said and walked faster while Peace followed behind slowly.

"If I didn't know better, I was going to say you're avoiding me.", she did not have to turn her head to see who was talking she knew that voice pretty well now. Peace and Akwande never spoke ever since the day of the sunset, "but I'll take it as if you were busy." He took the seat opposite her, "Now that the project is over, I'm sure you have a little spare time" "Now that the project is over, you and I are done." Peace looked at Rea's direction and she was close to the till. "This sounds like a breakup.", Akwande said leaning closer, Peace's heart skipped a bit. "Whatever, you know what I mean so stop bothering me", she said knowing very well she didn't mean it.

 Akwande stood up and went to her side, "You know you don't mean that, we'll talk later I see you have a little anxiety in public. By the way you look sexy in this suit". He walked away and Peace released the breath she did not realize she was holding. "What was that?", she was startled by Rea who seemed as if she's been standing opposite her for some time, "Nothing, he wanted to say goodbye to our partnership", she said swallowing so hard. "Okay, let's go", Rea smiled knowingly.

'Am I that obvious?'

After they had their lunch, they went to their residences as they had finished their classes for the day. Just when she got to her room she received a call from an unknown number, hesitantly she answered, "Hello?" "Hi Peace, this is Tazz, Akwande's Friend, I hope you still remember me", he sounded nervous. "Yeah sure", she said allowing him to continue talking, "I know we don't know each other that much, but I'd love to. Now that your project with Akwande is over I can talk to you without the fear disturbing your work. We have a little party tonight at my place I'd love for you to come so we can get to chat and know each other a bit more I really liked your vibe last time." Peace was so blown away by this whole phone call, "It's a short notice let me give it a thought."

A Sauce Down the PoleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora