Chapter 40

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Family is always there for you whether they like it or not. They naturally care about you, it's a feeling they cannot control. You can fight in the morning and laugh about whatever in the afternoon, sometimes without resolving the earlier altercation, without even realizing that you are not mad at each other anymore. Family gives love in many ways.

Peace had always wondered why she continued to love her siblings even though they never gave her any reason to love them, but headache and more reasons for her to hate them, yet her love for them never declined. Same applied to her father, she still loved and missed him so much, she wished he could call so that she could just hear his voice.

"Good morning princess, how're you in this rainy weather?", her father finally called, "Hi Dad.", she looked up so that the tears would not fall. "Are you still sleeping at this hour?" "No, I'm actually getting ready for my class, what are you busy doing?", her phone was balanced by her shoulder as she was packing her books. "I'm done with everything I'll just have breakfast and watch something on TV", there was some awkward silence after that, maybe because Peace wanted her father to say why he called, "Okay, let me not keep you. Enjoy your day." "Okay Dad, enjoy your day too. Thank you for the call, I love you.", she quickly hung up. She set on the bed and sobbed, she missed him so much, she did not get the apology she needed, she had to move on from that, and she had to count her words when talking to her father in the future.

This was his way of confirming that they were now cool. Her father never apologized properly in his life; he was too proud for that. He would call and ask about random stuff, then y'all would pick from then. Peace had to accept the apology even though she did not hear with her own ears, but she knew he had moved from their argument.

"Oh, look who's here? I thought you dropped out", Rea said in a bored voice. After crying for 30 minutes, Peace gathered the strength to go to her first class. She was late but managed to get a seat next to Rea, "Hi Ri-Ri, how're you?", she tried to act like everything is all right, like they just saw each other yesterday or they'd been talking on the phone, she had not seen her in 3 weeks. "Don't act smart with me, I'm not in the mood", she continued taking down her notes, "I'm not, I was checking if you're fine", Rea stopped writing and gave her an annoyed look, "Since when do you care, Peace? I'm listening to the lecturer, please don't disturb me", Peace did not have any comeback, so she remained silent for the rest of the lecture.

Rea had every right to be mad, all her friends did. Rea has dated before, she never abandoned her, she always answered her calls, never stood her up and come up with an excuse when she finally called to check if she was coming, she never missed important stuff about Peace, she always told her things first before she could hear from someone else. Peace failed to do all those things and she comes out and acts as if everything is totally fine.

When the class was over Rea quickly packed her stuff, while she was already up on her feet, "Come on, Rea, let's talk", she walked up the stairs to the door but stood midway meanwhile Peace remained standing on the front row where they were seated. "What do your other friends think? Or I was the only one who was on hold", Peace looked down in shame, "I'm sorry, Rea, I promise you I regret it", Rea chuckled, "Don't you get tired of that? You're always sorry. You know you don't have to keep friends if you don't want them anymore." Peace followed her to the door, "I know there's no excuse for what I did, it has been a while since I was in a relationship. I admit I acted out of character I did not mean to. I still need you; I love you, please give me one last chance.", she begged.

She followed behind her to the cafeteria, Rea sat and put her bag on a seat next to her, indicating that Peace was not welcomed to sit with her. "Rea, my love, please stop punishing me like this. I am even willing to take you out to a place of your own choice.", Peace had realized that Rea was no longer angry but acting up hence she offered her something. Rea immediately smiled, "When?", Peace quickly sat opposite her. Their conversation started then, and they resolved their issues. Peace ended up paying for both their food meals, and everything they were to buy on this day was on her.

"You are happy, I love that for you", Rea commented as they were having ice cream. Peace blushed, "He treats me right, it feels good to be with him, it's like me waiting for this long was worth it", she explained, her face beaming with happiness. "OMG! You're so in love", Rea exclaimed in the realization that Peace did not just like the guy, but she loved him. Peace just rolled her eyes. "But I must admit I don't know how to do this, I know I should be able to balance my relationship and friendships because it'll not always be good days, if I neglect my friends who am I going to talk to should we have problems?", she said after they spoke about the goodness of a relationship. "Now that I know how you feel I'll be there for you", she held her hands, and Peace nodded in acknowledgement.

Rea let go of her hand and leaned back, "Now tell me, how is the deed?", Peace's face glowed up instantly and that interested Rea even more. "Friend, that's why I lost my senses, he is out of this world, the hill I'm willing to die on", Rea covered her giggles with her both hands. "Who is more experienced between the two of you?", Rea kept the questions coming, "I thought I was, girl, he knows way more than I do", she admitted. "But I will surprise him one day", she added, "You better be spontaneous, my girl, but no more missing classes, Peace, get your shit together", Rea quickly switched up, "Yes, ma'am".

After spending her whole day with Rea, she vowed to speak with her other friends when she gets to her place. She texted their group chat, "This happened: Hello everyone, I hope y'all good. Please let me know when you're free today, I really need to tell y'all something." She hoped they would take her serious this time or give her a chance to explain herself. Right after texting she received an email from her job, indicating that it was the last warning if she did not turn up at work on Thursday, they were going to take the matter seriously. She knew she was not going to lose her job, but she still got scared, one can never predict Antonio. She did not realize the amount of trouble she was in until this day. 

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