Chapter 3

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"Sauce!", Kate, one of the best dancers called out.

Peace holds the elevator when she saw Kate approaching. "A private dressing room in three months, impressive, I got mine in seven months," she breathes out when she reached the elevator.

"Hi Kate, you should be grateful you have one, some have been here for years they're still in the main dressing room. How're you?", Peace turned to face Kate, she looked like a hot mess, she was high. "I'm great," she laughed, "you better not cross me, bitch.", she came close to her face she could smell the cigarette from her mouth.


Peace went to her room which was next to Kate's. She wondered if her session was before or after Kate's. She hoped it was before so she can collect as many tips as she can, she knew Kate was the best dancer than any other dancer in the club.

She was fixing her weave when her door opened without a knock.


She looked at her mirror to see whom it was without turning. "Your private sessions start tonight." The Boss who hardly left his office was standing behind her, "You'll have 30 minutes in the main stage and 30 minutes private."

The Boss, Antonio Rodriquez, was a handsome man and he knew it. He had a face with beautiful features, a great fashion sense and a perfect body. His personality was not so great, he just could not care about anybody. He spoke his mind and was a bit of an arrogant jerk.

Peace stood up and turned to look at him, "That's an hour", she said staring into his eyes ignoring the edge to surrender in his presence. "I'm aware, the client likes colourful clothes, Daniel will bring your new costumes while you are on the main stage", he said looking at her lips. Peace smirked noticing this, "Yes Sir." She turned and bent a little to be in the same length as the mirror, she applied her black lipstick.

Thirty minutes later. Peace came out of the stage, took off her heels and was heading to her room as usual when, "I heard she's starting a private session today, Amelia and Georgia have been here before her and they still work between 6 and 8 pm, that bitch is fucking the Boss mark my words.", Pretty had few words to say about her at the main dressing room filled with 13/14 other women. Peace stood by the door without being noticed most women were preparing for their shows. "Oh, come on Pretty-face, that wasn't a hard guess, we all know how they get these private sessions and rooms." She turned and left.

'Stupid gossip.'


"A 52-year-old white man, married, like a sub.."

"I can read Dan", she said rolling her eyes at Daniel who was holding a tablet with the information about the man she had to dance for. He placed the tablet on the dressing table, "You should fit in that,", he said pointing out the pink costume lying on the couch under the window. "He likes pink?", she asked unimpressed. Peace always loved black or grey, she could not even stomach the image of herself in pink.

'Something is definitely wrong with this man.'

She walked into the private room, which was smaller than the main stage, with a bright round light over the pole. She got closer, she saw the man resting on the comfortable couch staring back at her. The music softly started.

'Bedroom music? In pink?'

She touched the pole with her left hand, she needed to feel the pole for a second before working on it.

'All right, put on a show.'

She slowly rounded the pole, raised her right leg, and snaked it around the pole while still spinning around it.

'That's it!', she thought, when she finally found her client's eyes, she wanted to see every emotion while moving on the pole.

She arched her back making her weave to become even longer, she took her left foot off the ground. Her life was now depending on that pole, she twisted her way up the pole and when she was satisfied with the height she reached, she moved her body away from the pole, only her hands kept her balanced. She danced for over five minutes in that position and even did a split, she turned her body into the pole with her back against the pole she danced looking at him intensely.

'10 more minutes.'

She moved around with the pole so that the man could see how nicely it was stuck in between her ass.

'He's moving.'

'Wait, what is he doing?', Peace couldn't see clearly the room was too dark and that she was under the light made it worse. She tried to see what he was doing; she was left with a minute and a few seconds when she realized.

''Fucking Son of a Bitch!", she said out loud.

He was jerking himself in front of her, while she was dancing for him. She was disgusted and wondered if this was a normal occurrence in private sessions.

When the time was up, she quickly went to the door and prayed he does not touch her as she had to pass a few feet from him to the door. "Hey, where are you rushing to? We can have our own party.", he said getting closer to Peace who was three feet from the door, "I'm done here." She said with her eyes closed she was overwhelmed with fear. 

He touched her arm.

A Sauce Down the PoleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin