"You don't have to thank me Ann I was simply giving you your birthright" Aleksandr told me whilst looking at me "But if you really want to thank me you can return my nickname" his face looked so serious I couldn't tell whether he was joking or not.

"I knew it!" Nikolai suddenly exclaimed as Sanny snorted in response after returning.

"Tsk, looks like Sasha still has a grudge, next time if you ask me to let go of a grudge I will remind you of your own failure in that aspect" Leonid huffed.

"Disappointing" Ilya tsked as well.

"Since you all believe it's insult Sasha day I think it's fair to say that you all should be taxed" Aleksandr said.

"You avaricious bastard" Sanny said in annoyance and amusement his eye twitching.

"Your point" Aleksandr said his eyebrow raised as Sanny took out his phone followed by Nikolai and Leonid, Ilya on the other hand gave Nikolai one look which made him sigh as he continued on with his phone.

"Wait you aren't actually paying...are you?" I questioned in amusement.

"My name is expensive so yes they do have to pay, you too will have to pay for using my rightful name of cause only when you turn sixteen" he paused patting my hair " of cause you'll have to pay interest" he finished as though he hadn't just signed me up for debt. I looked at him and shock and wonder.

Causing me to burst out laughing, at this point my stomach had began to hurt.

And I believe I had Aleksandr say say something along the lines of 'I wasn't joking'

"Now which film should we watch" after I was done laughing Sanny asked me.

"Don't choose horror" Leonid immediately added.

Oddly enough Nikolai didn't take a jab at him for saying that. I thought about all the popular movies I had heard about at school.

"Mean girls" I finally answered.

"Chris I believe Leonid said no horror movies" Ilya said as if reminding me of something I forgot.

"But it isn't -" I was cut off by Nikolai.

"Ignore him printsessa Ilya just has beef with the movie as our sisters from uncle's side of the family made us watch it a lot with them when we were kids" he finished as Ilya shivered as though reliving a nightmare.

They sounded interesting, and although I felt bad for Ilya I still wanted to watch the movie. Sanny immediately found the movie and we began watching it.

While watching the movie I finally understood why girls at school wanted to be her, although mean she was iconic and not going to lie that Cady girl was kind of annoying.

And for the first time in a while I noticed that Aleksandr's eyes weren't that scary, and I was really starting to like this place a lot.

Monday morning I was already making my way to the student gov office room as I was sent there to call Stephanie and Ambrose since the intercom in there had been broken for the last 3 days and would be fixed later tonight. That and the fact that both of their phones were turned off.

I knocked and entered the office noticing that it was wide and very big filled with tables on each side with working students.Making it look like a real office.

Ambrose and Stephen seemed to be in each other's throats as Steph sent him a glare and Ambrose just smirked at her, scratch that it seemed that Ambrose was getting under her skin.

Noticing me I want to them "You're both being called to the event room" was all I said before Ambrose looked at his watch on his hand his other hand still in his pocket.

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