Chapter 6

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I ended up telling them that they were my brothers, when they asked why I had never been mentioned seeing how uncomfortable I was thankful they changed the topic.

"So are you brothers single" Amber said whilst wiggling her eyebrows.

I gave her a look of disbelief and faint amusement.

Seeing my reaction she said "No, then anything about their love life"

This time Bekah and Steph seemed interested. Then I remembered something.

"Before I answer who were those two guys scrawling at Nicolai" I asked my eyebrow raised.

What I said must have caught them off guard and caused Amber to immediately turn to them.

"Those two were Ambrose Franco and Matteo Fournier. Ambrose is Italian whilst Matteo is French. Matteo is the nephew of the owner of the school and Ambrose is his cousin from his mother's side that's why they look similar." Amber explained while looking for any changes in both Bekah and Steph's facial expressions.

"Since their older cousin the son of the owner of this school isn't here, he asked Nikolai to look after both of them" Amber added.

"How do you know this?" Bekah couldn't help but ask in what I could hear as annoyance.

Yeah, Amber how do you know.

Amber seemed to not care as she instead asked Bekah another question "How do you know Matteo, Steph knowing Ambrose is understandable since their both in the Student government, you on the other hand I'm not sure" she paused while tapping her fingers on her cheek then her eyes suddenly turned wide "Unless you went to the bequest ball... but you said you wouldn't go..." at this point Amber was rumbling but looking at Bekah's facial expression she wasn't wrong.

"...I doubt your parents forced you to go so that leaves your grandmother-" before she could continue Bekah cut her off.

"Damn no wonder you want to be an investigator" Bekah said in disbelief.

"Wait so what she's saying is true" while Steph's eyes held excitement her mouth was wide open in shock.

"You and Mat-" Steph was cut off and it was Bekah again.

"Don't mention his name around me the only reason that I even allowed Amber mention his name was because Christy asked about him an-" this time Bekah was the one who was cut off.

"You know what this sounds like-" Amber looked at Steph in excitement "enemies to lovers"they said at the same time as they squealed in delight causing everyone around us to look at our table.

I can't believe I thought Amber was calmer then Steph.

I looked at Bekah as she groaned in annoyance. "Me and the one that shall not be named aren't enemies" Bekah said.

"Hah, Harry Potter I like your style" Steph said as she reached for a high-five which Bekah ignored prompting me to high-five her instead.

"What makes you say that" Amber wiggled her eyebrows as she questioned her, more like stated.

"Well since you asked so nicely Amber, if me and the one that shall not be named were enemies we would have wanted to kill each other and last time I checked we didn't" she finished with a huff.

"So-" before Amber could ask any more questions the bell rang.

"Saved by the bell" Amber murmured as we watched Bekah race out of the lunch hall.

I couldn't help but giggle at how ridiculous she looked.

"Well, Steph looks like it's time for-" before she could finish Steph who was secretly packing her stuff to prepare to leave froze and immediately run out of the lunch hall.

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