ch. 20

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one last kiss

where could she go? how could she even run? viennas mind ran thousands of miles per second, there seemed to be no possible answer. this was it. she would be in jail for the rest of her life. she was probably the worst person ever according to at least a few people. artem watched as she just held her head in her hands.

he couldnt help her. nothing could.

"where are you going to go?" artem asked curiously. viennas eyes shot up to meet his, a crazed look inside.

"if i knew i would be there! shut up and let me think."

"you dont have enough time, theyll be here any second."

she swore under her breath and stood up, double checking the weapon in her hand and sighing. this had to be the end of vienna von hagen. this could end in three ways, turning herself in and being in jail for the rest of her life, running but still ending up getting caught and trying to go peacefully, or go get rid of the person who did this to her. of course, only one of those was a real option. kolton had to die. she had sworn never to hurt someone, never to hurt another human, but was he really one? all he seemed to be was a monster.

"im going to kill that son of a bitch."

she stormed out the door, getting in her car. artem rushed out with her, getting into the passenger seat. obviously he shouldnt be with her right now, or even better, never be with her again. it didnt seem to matter though, this whole thing would absolutely ruin his life. artem saw it to be impossible to live without her. those five years he spent without her were hard, some of the hardest he had lived. the only thing keeping him going was the encouragement of his friends, all telling him to try and keep searching.

he would probably get arrested too, that was fine. at least it would be beside her.

pulling up to koltons house, vienna burst through the door. the cops were stupid, why wouldnt they have anyone outside? did they really underestimate her that much?

"you can still leave, artem, you wont want to see this." vienna told him in a whisper. artem shook his head.

she just shrugged, it wouldnt be her fault if he ended up traumatized. with the simple raise of a gun, she was safely in his office. sadly, the cops had heard her enter and had already called for backup.

all weapons were pointed directly at her, but hers was just aimed right at kolton. he stared back at her with fear in his eyes, yet anyone could see the satisfaction that hid.

"you ruined me." kolton felt his stomach drop from her words. realization of what he did set in faster than it shouldve.

artem just stood in the doorway, eyes wide and confused. he had definitely seen things in his line of work yet nothing like this. hearing the backup arrive outside, vienna rolled her eyes. the loud sound of gunshots pierced their ears as the three cops dropped to the floor.

someone grabbed artem, dragging him out of the doorway and into the hallway. viennas gun was pressed up right against koltons forehead, his hair pulled so his head was on her thigh. cops begged her to stop, stop and just go peacefully.

"ms von hagen, please drop your weapon. you dont want to go down this path." one officer spoke. the words almost sounded genuine for a moment.

until they didnt, of course. why would they say that last bit? shouldnt they know she already had? three officers lay dead infront of them and they still thought she could change.

"no, dude, what do you think this is?"

artem still peaked his head out from behind the corner, watching intently. vienna wasnt supposed to be in there alone, he was supposed to be at her side.

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