ch. 1

944 18 7

art studio

the sun shone bright over the city of stellis, each and every building lighting up. the citizens woke up quickly to the sound of either their alarms or their loved ones, including artem wing. he woke up from the loud sound of his blaring alarm clock as he sighed loudly, it was part of the routine. he had planned on going on a short walk downtown this morning to see buildings he hadnt been in before. he had heard of an art studio that was amazing according to some random people he had met. he got out of bed and got ready, getting all dressed up before eating and leaving for the walk. the streets slowly filled up with commotion as he walked down the sidewalk, following the maps on his phone.

"viennas art" he mumbled, wondering why it was named that.

artem turned the last corner and spotted the sign over the cute building that immediately caught his eyes. he walked forwards and to the glass doors of the studio, pulling them open and stepping inside. the cool air relieved him from the boiling weather outside.

"hello!" a younger looking woman came out from the back.

her dark hair was pulled back into a messier bun as she had paint on her cheeks. no one really came in at 6:30am so she wasnt exactly ready for customers. his eyes traveled down to the name clipped onto her chest that read 'vienna' with the word artist below it in small letters.

"how can i help you?" vienna smiled widely as she cleaned off her hands in the sink.

he looked around the clean room, admiring the beautiful paintings that ran along the white walls. his eyes landed on one painting in particular as he tilted his head. vienna looked where he was and saw the painting of the autumn forest.

"you like that one?" she asked as she dried her hands and walked to it.

"i do, did you make it?" artem asked and she nodded.

his eyes widened as he followed her to the art, scanning it completely. there seemed to be no falters at all and looked absolutely perfect.

"how much is it?"

her eyes widened from the sudden question as she looked at him. it was one of her more expensive paintings as this one had meaning but also beauty in it all at once.

"uh... this one is around 850 dollars."

he nodded slowly as he pulled his eyes from the painting and to her. although she was still somewhat messy, she was perfect as well. her purple eyes were full of life and her black hair looked absolutely perfect even in its messier state.

"ill take it."

she didnt complain as she brought him to the front to get him to pay before plucking the painting from the wall. they had stood in silence before but she decided to try to make a conversation as he was buying her artwork even when it was expensive. right before she could speak, he went first.

"im guessing you own the studio?" artem smiled as he put down a bit extra money for vienna.

vienna smiled once more as she looked up at the tall man. she was surprised that a very important looking person decided to come into her studio so early.

"i do.." she leaned against the counter as they talked.

the minutes flew back as they both enjoyed eachothers time and she showed him around. he seemed quite interested in the stories behind her paintings as they all had one hiding. he had came in at 6:30 and now when he looked at the clock it read 7:30.

"well, vienna... i've got to leave for work." she pouted as they walked to the painting and grabbed it.

she thought he would instantly leave just like all the other customers she had talked with before but he waited. he felt different from the others, he felt special.

𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭 | artem wingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora