ch. 15

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vienna woke up the next day beside.. no one. eloise and sasha had a great wedding day, not regretting any bit of it. artem had a decent time, trying to keep the girl he lived away from anyone while she was drunk. he very much enjoyed it when they were sitting down and she fell asleep on his shoulder. the bad part was that she wouldnt remember, care, or feel the same. he got countless confused or judgmental looks when she had fallen asleep and he had just sat there. eventually, marius grabbed his sister and dragged her away.

izaiah had been with other kids from the wedding the whole time, avoiding seeing vienna in this state again. he loved her like a mother but hated her as a person.

now, marius was entering his sisters room with papers in his hands. she glanced over at him with a groan.

"what, marius? its like..." she looked at the clock.

"its 4, vienna. i have something for you."

"what is it? i dont wanna read."

"the names and numbers of izaiahs real parents."

that woke her up, making her sit up and snatch the papers. they had been searching for him for so long, never once giving up. pictures of his mother and father holding his hands made guilt set in much quicker.

"why now?"

"you arent fit to be a mum, vi. not yet at least."

"ill.. call them."

marius left the numbers with her and exited the bedroom. she got her phone from the bedside table, quickly dialing it. a woman picked up.


"im sorry.. english?"

"of course." her accent was strong but vienna could understand it.

vienna inhaled with her heart seeming to come up her throat.

"i... i found your son. he lost his memory from something and i can have him back to you soon."

a yell from the other side of the phone sounded, a mans voice coming in as well.

"you have our son right now?"

"i do. what town are you in? ill have him on a plane by tomorrow morning."

a name was given, the spelling as well. after some pictures sent to the parents, everything seemed to be fine. they thanked her many many times for everything before leaving.

"izaiah!" she shrieked.

izaiah came running from wherever he was once before and into viennas room. she patted the space beside her.

"iza, i found your real parents."

"you- you did?"

"yeah.. youre going back to them tomorrow. i have no clue how far you managed to go to be from sweden but end up in norway." she laughed.

izaiah hugged the woman tight. he was excited to leave, to get away from the woman who seemed to hate everyone. even herself. he had been able to read her easily the night artem appeared, she wanted to die. she wanted that gunshot to kill her. nothing had changed, he still saw the hurt in her eyes and the wish behind them.

"thank you for taking care of me." izaiah whispered.

soon, he left her alone in the bedroom. vienna sighed and stood up to go get dressed and head to work. knowing that izaiah would leave soon was actually incredibly relieving for her, she wouldnt need to watch out for a child all the time.

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