ch. 16

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sleepovers and unpleasant meetings

i hc austin von hagen being a piece of shit but it might just bc i see all dads like that

hours after izaiah left to sweden, three indigo haired family members sat at a table with two others. the atmosphere was suffocating. vienna and austin, their father, seemed to want to talk to eachother but also not.

to all of their surprise, vienna spoke up first. even when a singular sound left her mouth, everyones head snapped to see her. as words left her mouth, even some of the staff looked shocked and stopped for half a second.

"so, father, when are you off again?" viennas eyes met her fathers.

he smiled, even just out of being noticed by his daughter. though marius was told the opposite, he had always favored her a little bit more. vienna had put herself through so much for her family, even though she would always state that she hated them.

"after dinner im supposed to leave."

"really? to where?"

now he could pick up on the tone of her voice. she was giving the same thing she always has as a teenager, the "im acting like i care but i dont, dont bring it up" thing.

"wherever the plane takes me." austin grumbled.

that was a lie, he knew exactly where he was headed just he didnt want to give her that bit of satisfaction. in the family, vienna was known for wringing every bit of information from anyone to hold it against them. austin didnt know why she might do it to him but there was no risking it so quickly.

"today i sold one of my best-" marius started on his achievement.

"vienna, hows the studio? thats what you left for, right?" austin cut off his son.

she looked over at her little brother with a pitiful expression, this had happened to marius alot growing up.

"its good. so, marius, which painting did you sell?"

austin seemed taken back by how she dismissed his questions so fast and just moved on. marius answered her question and talked on for a while, everyone at the table seeming pleased other than his father. the conversation ended though, as it always did.

austin tried his hardest to get to know more about vienna but the harder he pushed, the less he got. eventually, he resorted to pestering kolton and artem about his daughter.

"artem, youre a lawyer right?"

"yes sir, senior attorney." artem tried not to show the obvious fear in his voice.

he was nervous to talk to austin, when vienna and him had dated, they had never met. he wondered if austin even knew of their relationship.

"im curious, are you any good?"

"i believe so, i have a 99% win rate."

the man shook his head, artem was unable to tell if he was somehow disappointed or if he had misheard.

"i meant for my daughter. youve been dating for s few years, right?"

artem just shook his head, smiling as he said a simple no. vienna glared at her father, eyes narrowed in annoyance.

"dont assume, you dont know anything about any of our relationships."

with that accusation, austin laughed.

"actually marius has a girlfriend-"

"dad! stop, i dont." marius interrupted the man.

the head von hagen was rarely ever interrupted, thats why this came as a shock to the others. viennas focus was now on her brother, confusion setting in. dinner was nearly over, everyone who wasnt finished was now on their last few bites.

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