ch. 10

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26740 words later we are finally at ch. 10 ffs
new beginnings

some time had passed since viennas disappearance, artem still keeping up the search. he was surprised that marius didnt seem too panicked about his sister disappearing as his brother had as well. eloise and sasha helped with the search for the woman but they were getting absolutely no where. artem showed the police the art she had left for him, the message on the back, and had told them of how she was acting before. rosa was there through the whole thing, trying to help but also comfort artem at the same time.

artem walked through the girls house again, eyes half lidded as he scanned over the objects. seeing a house with so much yet so little life hurt. his blue eyes that normally seemed to sparkle with some hint of happiness seemed completely dull, making the other people nearby back away. the hard expression on his face was enough to even make rosa seem a bit intimidated.

"mr wing, are you alright?" rosa asked as they searched for the room vienna spoke of.

artem pressed his hands against the walls, ignoring rosas questions completely. a quiet click could be heard from somewhere in the walk as he hit something apparently. rosa went to try to ask again but artem held his hand out to shut her up. he pressed down a little harder and something nearby moved, making them realize a bookcase was moved over.

"this is new, isnt it?" one of the new workers asked.

artem shot a glare over to the man and he stopped walking for a moment to let the attorney go first. he walked into the concrete room, realizing it was completely empty other than a letter sitting in the middle of the floor. a couple of smaller pieces of art were hung around the room, bringing it the slightest bit of light. it somehow reminded artem of vienna although he wasnt sure why or how.

"it says it to you, mr. wing?" a man said as he handed the letter to artem.

he opened it quickly and read the contents, eyes widening as tears threatened to fall from his eyes. she left him on purpose? Dont look for me was part of the letter he would be unable to do. one part confused him more than anything, the initials at the end. GVH werent her initials or anyone else that they knew, VH stood for von hagen but.. why? he thought through the list of people it couldve been until he realized who it was. her older brother giann, giann von hagen. he knew how much she wanted to find her brother and that could be why she was gone.

artem calmly walked over to one of the officers and whispered in his ear, the man nodding and turning away.

"pull up everything we have on giann von hagen and his disappearance."

some people ran off to go do what was asked and the others went back to looking for some more information. were they any closer to finding out where she was or exactly what happened? eh.. not really.

with vienna

there was one thing she was never told about this project and that was the dangers she would be set in. running in the woods almost all day to get away from people they believed had her brother wasnt exactly ideal, especially when now they wanted to kill vienna.

she stood in the log cabin she was given, pacing around the large room. it was too quiet, the only thing to produce any noise being herself and the now dead speaker with apparently no place to charge. there was an old record player but it looked as if it hadnt been touched in decades and she had no clue how it worked.

over the past month, she had gotten more and more used to being constantly alone in that cabin. she couldnt call up eloise to bring her food, couldnt always resort to calling marius and complain, she couldnt call artem to make her happy again. vienna laid down on the bed, sprawling out and staring up at the ceiling. marius was someone who she was able to call but honestly she didnt feel the need to.

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