ch. 19

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he sat in his chair, staring at the files he was ready to release. it was a dangerous thing, knowing he would get hurt. maybe if she didnt find out who he was? no, that was impossible. this was supposed to be revenge, but how could it be? how could it be revenge if he would be the one probably getting hurt the most in the end? physically or mentally was the thing he didnt know, he knew what she was capable of.

no he didnt, even that was a lie. he didnt know half of what she could do. sure, he had the numbers. he had some of the ways she had done it, yet he wasnt there for any of them. how could he know if they were as quick as she said? were they painless?

he was beginning to doubt it, now obvious that she didnt care for anyone but herself. the whole thing with everyone else was just a trick, just a distraction from her selfishness. she could drag everyone in existence down and only care to save herself. too bad that wouldnt be an option after this.

she deserved to rot in jail for the pain she caused, did she ever actually think about the number? how many families woke up one day just to find out about the tragedy? 143 was a huge number, it was one few could imagine. anything was honestly a huge number for this, even anything just in double digits. thinking more about it, even singles were terrifying. triple was just straight up insane. maybe that was what she was, yet how could they ever know?

of course, there had to be people who would defend her, people who wouldnt believe it at first. of course, as he released more and more information, the truth would come to light. she was a horrible person. the person hundreds of thousands of people had praised was an absolute monster. maybe this wasnt the best way of going about ruining her, actually, of course it wasnt. in such rage, it was hard to imagine anything else.

vienna von hagens life was just a few hours away from being completely destroyed. if her life was some sort of building, right now it was the white house, yet it would soon just be ruin. less than ruin, it would be nothing but dust. this was how bad it would end up being.

yet she didnt know. vienna had no clue, no one did, only him. right now, the woman was too busy torturing artem. their date had been the night before, but after how well it went, artem just ended up sleeping on the couch at her place. sure, it was just the couch, nothing happened though. theyd watched a movie and then vienna went to bed. now, vienna had put artem into some running clothes and dragged him out.

artem panted as they ran, vienna touching her covered hand to the side of his face. she began to drag it down, just landing on his neck. for just a moment, panic set in, just until she was checking how fast his heart was beating. upon seeing, she began laughing. his heart was going quite fast, yet she could feel the difference when she looked up at him. his heart began to race, going thousands of miles per hour. it was cute.

vienna saw the way he panicked when she touched his neck, she knew he didnt trust her. the only thing that really hurt was that artem really thought that she was about to hurt him. he was a smart man, he shouldve known better. those days were over, vienna told herself that she would never hurt another person. she would never get to 144, never anything more. vienna couldnt take back what she had done, yet she could now stop herself from going any further.

artem was still panting from the running, though they were taking a little break. she had taken him so far onto the trail, artem had zero clue where they were. grabbing his hand, she began walking back to her place. there was a little shop she usually stopped at, one that always sold her some of the best cold drinks she had ever drank. she would take him there first.

he felt the urge to pull his hand away from hers, it felt weird seeing as he couldnt really feel her. he didnt though, knowing how it probably took a good amount of courage from her to do that. sure, artem really didnt know anything that happened in her time in europe but he knew it really scarred her. thats why he didnt push, he didnt look into it any more after he found and brought her home.

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