- No offense, but he's a rogue. – Tobias says respectfully. I didn't like the comment, I started getting upset.

- Yeah, and he protected me better than anyone when that rogue Alpha attacked me. If it weren't for him, I'd be dead. – I say harshly.

The wolves just stared at us, not knowing what to say. The whole pack knows that Caleb saved me from the rogue attack. They don't know the real reason, but they don't have to. It was weird, coming to school with a bunch of looks on me. It was like they were impressed I survived; I don't know, maybe I'm just overthinking it.

- Nathan... – Valery started, but I interrupted her.

- I'm not a pup, guys. I won't go wandering near the forest, we'll just be studying at the library; we won't leave the school, I promise. – I tell them honestly.

- If your father finds out that we let you go, he'll. – Jordan joins in, but I interrupt him as well.

- If my father finds out, I'll take the blame. – I say firmly. – Nothing is going to happen; Caleb is here with me. –

I turn to look at him, he's standing next to me not displaying any emotion. Just stands there supportively and nods. They exchange looks and consider what I just told them. Hopefully, that will convince him. Otherwise, I don't think I'll be able to fool them and sneak out again. My mother nagged me for hours after I returned, even my dad was upset with me. They were worried for me, but I wasn't worried, not with Caleb by my side.

- Fine, but don't leave the school. We'll be here just in case. – Valery speaks seriously.

- Sure, see you around. – I say and start walking away, Caleb beside me.

With that, we headed toward the library, The tables on the third floor are always alone. Granted, they are just a few tables, and they aren't too comfortable, but it's the only place we can get some alone time. We go there to work on the chemistry project, and, occasionally, to make out a little during breaks. It has become sort of our nest, our safe place. We entered the library and greeted Petunia, who was waving at us.

- I can't believe that worked. – he says impressed.

- I can. My dad told everyone you saved me. They like you; they are just being careful. – I tell him.

- It didn't look that way. – he says bitterly.

- Tobias is bold and direct, but he means no harm. But yeah, my pack liked that you helped chase those rogues away. – I tell him honestly. – Didn't feel any different today? – I ask.

- Everyone was staring at me, but no more than usual. – he responds normally.

- Well, they were impressed you helped. Does your pack know? – I wonder as we start walking up the stairs.

- I had to tell Alaric so I could stay today. If anyone asks, we were on the phone when the Whitlock attacked. I heard everything and rushed to help you. – he says, making me chuckle.

- You lied to your Alpha? – I ask impressed with his skill and nerve. We reached the second floor and started walking to the third.

- I had to. – he points out rather seriously, just making me laugh. – What's so funny? – he asked confused and slightly frustrated.

- Nothing, I'm just amazed you'd do that for me. – I say. His eyes find mine for a quick second before he turns to look around to see if anyone was hearing.

- Let's just get upstairs before anyone hears us. – he cuts quickly and continues walking. I smile, proud of myself for getting him nervous.

I chuckle and follow him. The third floor is empty as usual, we walk toward our usual spot. It's in the corner, next to a bookshelf filled with chemistry books we put there. There are no windows near, and a small breeze of air always passed by, it's the perfect place. We put the backpack on the table, and I sit down next to him.

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