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The twins decided to join Sans on his journey. They had nothing better to do. Staying with Sans, the person who saved them also just seemed like the best option. Thus, the group continued to travel. Though nowhere near as quickly as Sans was going before. Being accompanied by a human had its inconvenience. Mainly because the group had to constantly keep an eye out for zombies to protect Dream from them. Then there was the fact that Dream was exhausted much faster than Sans and Nightmare. Who didn't have the perks of a mutated form that had higher endurance than the average human one?

Dream grew frustrated easily over that fact. Not in any way happy that he was holding the trio back from Sans being able to find his brother and friends. It became very obvious quickly that Dream was pushing himself for Sans's sake in their quest to go north towards Weston.

Nightmare had a laughing fit when Sans told him where he was going. Going north to reach the town called Weston. It was quite ironic if you thought about it, and the entire group had a small laugh at the joke. Though thoughts on such irony aside, Sans and Nightmare did worry about how the trip could affect Dream. The walk was no easy trip to make as the group traveled miles upon miles toward the countryside, where they hoped to find Sans's family.

Sans just hoped that the time he spent helping the twins would not make him lose his brother's trail. In any case, the group walked on. Using the roads and highways as trails they could follow to guide them on their way.

It was about four hours into their travel that they took a break for the sake of Dream. Who was quick to drain the last of his water bottle. Frowning as he emptied it. "I'm already out?" He muttered.

"Here," Sans said, passing another bottle to him. "I have a couple more in my bag, but try to space out how much you are drinking. I don't know when we'll be able to get more."

"Right, right..." Dream takes a deep breath. "Man, this sucks. My body feels like it's been burning from traveling at such a pace for so long. Yet it seems neither you nor Nightmare seems tired at all."

"Human bodies simply weren't built for this sort of thing. Well, not right off the bat anyway." Nightmare points out. "It takes months of training to build up strength and endurance. With the mutation that happened to our bodies, it seems that we just have that strength naturally. As it is, it's like Sans and I are an entirely separate species. Well, I suppose zombies are separate species, right?"

"Well, it depends on how you see it, I suppose. All zombies are humans that were overtaken by a virus, right?" Sans pointed out. "So technically you could see the entire situation as if all the zombies are simply just humans who are being affected by a mutated virus. They are still human, but those were the effects. Or, you could see it from the point of view of the fact that the virus mutated the people to the point that they are no longer classified as human but as a separate species. Things like that have happened in the past with animals when they changed to adapt to their environments, granted its normally at a slower rate. Maybe zombies could just be considered a branch off on the family tree."

"Isn't that something to think about." Dream hummed. "Well, what do you guys think? Would you prefer to still be referred to as human? Or are you okay with people calling you zombies as your race from now on?"

Sans and Nightmare looked at each other in consideration. Sans voicing his thoughts first. "Well as is I don't think I can consider myself human anymore with these changes, what do you think Nightmare?"

"I... I don't know what to think yet. I know I don't feel human anymore but it  still feels strange to be called by anything else."

"No need to decide now if your uncertain Night. Maybe give it some thought though." Dream says with a smile.


With that, the group continued on their way for the next several hours. At one point, though, Dream just couldn't continue. He was exhausted, which led to Nightmare and Sans having to get creative. In the end, the solution they came up with was for Nightmare to give Dream a piggyback ride, and Sans would carry the bags.

They managed this way for another hour until the sun started to set, and the group decided to set up camp for the night at the truck stop they came across. Perks of staying to the road Sans supposed.

They barricaded themselves inside, then decided to settle down for the night. Pulling out the sleeping bags from their packs before laying down for the night. Sans volunteered to take the first watch for the night so that he could take a moment to think to himself.

More so, how he wondered if Papyrus would be okay. If the rest of his friends would be okay. Anything could of happen to them while he was away. He had to hurry to make sure he could get to them before anything bad could get to them.

He just has one worry, how would they react to Sans and Nightmare? What would they think of a sentient zombie? He knew Papyrus, but what about the others?

Sans just had to pray he would get the chance to explain before they took the shot.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2023 ⏰

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