House Search

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Sans couldn't make any sense of his situation, what was happening to him was unheard of. Something that before had seemed completely impossible, no person who was affected by the virus had survived before.

What was any different about Sans? There was nothing blatantly obvious to him that could of explained how he managed to stay awake and survived the transformation? No matter how many times Sans thought it over in the end he always ended up finding nothing in his pondering. After a while he just pushed all those thoughts to the side to think about later. He wasn't going to get anymore answers just staring at himself in the mirror with his now mutated body, nor was thinking anymore on the situation with such a limited amount of knowledge.

"Pull yourself together Sans." He says scolding himself as he turns away from the mirror. "No matter what happened you're still in the middle of the apocalypse. You have no friends or supplies, all this theoretical nonsense can wait until you stabilize your situation." At those words I was quick to start going over the best course of action I could take. First and foremost I needed to search the house to see if anything useful had been left behind by his friends after their hasty escape from the base when he had began turning. That was the first step he should take, what followed he would determine once he figures out what equipment he had to work with.

Sans walked over to and unlocked the door to the room he had been staying in exiting out into a short hallway passed several other doors and a bathroom. Sans after a moment of thinking then decided to enter the room the closest to his own just a ways down from his.

This room was Asgore and Toriel's. He gave a small sad smile as he now thought of the couple and all that they had lost. Asgore had been the mayor of the old town he lived in and had been a wonderful leader, his wife Toriel had been an elementary school teacher who loved children more than anything the two raising their son and adopted children with great care. They were the type of family who had it all, and yet they had everything ripped from them. Asriel, Chara, Frisk all of their children went missing during the initial wave of zombies. No one knows what happened to them, but in a world like this it was safe to assume that they were dead. Just as people were going to assume Sans was.

Sans opened the door, revealing a ransacked room, it was obvious that the two had left in a hurry scrambling to take everything useful as they fled. It seemed that however in the rush that a few things did get left behind, mainly an old book filled with survival tips and tricks that Toriel liked to read. She had used it more than a few times in the past to help the group. Perhaps Sans could use it as well in the future. The second item he found had been a surprise a golden locket with the symbolof the Deltarune a symbol of dedication towards the holy angel the bringer of mercy and peace. Within it held a small picture of his family during better times. All five people in the picture wearing happy smiles. It was Asgore's most prized possession, Sans could already imagine the sorrow the other would feel when he realized it went missing. Clutching it closer to his chest as he morned for his friends loss. Then, after a moments thought put the locket on. He'd keep it safe for his friend for now, then perhaps one day in the future he'd be able to return the locket to him. The thought of his friends still on his mind as he searched the rest of the room, finding nothing else of note worthy he left closing the door to the room behind him. Before turning to go to the next door over the bathroom.

Which as Sans has suspected held nothing. It was a baren room that was rarely use now days due to the lack of running water to work the shower or toilet. Also considering the room lights didn't work anymore and there was no window to bring in natural light the room wasn't used much by the group. He closed the door to the bathroom walking down the hall which lead out into the open part of the house. Off to the left being the kitchen and dining room and to the right the living room.

Sans decided on checking the living room first despite the fact it was the least likely place anything of use could of been left. Anything of the sort had probably already been taken, and he had been right in his judgment. There was nothing there besides the couch and there was not much he could do with that.

After deeming this to be so he moved on to the kitchen with slightly higher hopes. After all they did keep all of their supplies in the kitchen, and if he was lucky there would be some left that they couldn't of carried out in their rush. Stuff that he easily found in the open cabinets. A large empty reusable water bottle, a almost empty bottle of honey and two of the nearly expired cans of soup. Some easily found pots and utensils had been left behind as well. Sans putting his findings inside of one of said pots to carry the stuff. Setting everything on the counter before he turned his gaze to the stairs leading to the second floor.

The floor where Alphys and Undyne's shared room was. Along with... his brothers room. The thought of his little brother leading him to bitter realization. Papyrus thought he was dead, he thought Sans had died here in this very house and even though Papyrus was not alone. Sans had no idea how his brother was taking it. Papyrus was a sensitive soul after all, he cried every time he had to kill a zombie. Every time he looked at one he could only see them as they once were, human. Despite multiple attempts to explain to him that the person was already dead he still saw them as the person they once were, saying that the person was still in there and there had to be a way to save them, to make them human again.

It was pretty ironic considering the fact that Sans was now a sentient zombie. That Sans was still him after the turning. Heh... Sans always knew his brother was smart. Leave it up to him to figure out that sentient zombies were a possible thing. If only Papyrus could see him now...

Sans reluctantly made his way across the living room before ascending the stairs to the upper floor. Papyrus's door stood down at the end of the hallway, to the left a few feet down stood Undyne's and Alphys shared room. Sans decided to enter the girls room first. Out of all the people present the two women could be considered the smartest out of all of us.

Alphys had been college sophomore working on her bachelor's degree in human biology. She was beyond smart, and if the world hadn't fallen apart when it did she would of been garenteed a job in biology field. She was also a major anime nerd Sans had found, and whenever the chance had come up she'd snag a manga while they were searching stores for supplies. She also loved to nerd out about them with Undyne.

Undyne on the other hand was a police officer. Her fellow officers were taken out early in the initial wave of zombies trying to keep the situation undercontol. She had barely made it out of the frenzy herself before Alphys had found her. The two of them fleeing the city they had been trapped in together to a few towns over where they had ran into me and Paps. Papyrus who, the second he saw Undyne was already in awe and impressed by her and her skills. Who could blame him either? Undyne had shown more than once that she was like someone out of an action movie. Pulling stunts that seemed almost impossible off from jumping rooftops to lifting massive amounts of weight. She was normally the one to carry the extra supplies.

Less than a day without them and Sans was already missing them. He sighed as he looked the room over, there wasn't much but the carved wooden knives Undyne had been making could be put to good use. He would keep those for the future.

Then, it was on to his brothers room...

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