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Sans rewrapped his new scarf around his neck. A navy blue scarf that fades into a lighter gradient towards the ends. A gift from Papyrus. Just as Sans knew him, his brother had believed in the possibility that Sans would remain sentient after his turning and left Sans this scarf. Along with a note from Papyrus promising Sans that he would be okay and that he and the others were planning on heading north toward the countryside. Town Weston.

which meant that was the direction that Sans had to head. Sans wasn't sure how his friends would react to him if he did find them. Maybe it was kinda stupid to chase after survivors when he was a zombie, but at this point, Sans didn't care. He knew that Papyrus would still accept him, and that was all that mattered. Reuniting himself with his brother was his number one priority. He just hoped that it wouldn't take him too long to find them. They would only be a day's travel ahead of him,  and with Sans increased stamina and speed,  it shouldn't take him too long.

Sans found that those were some of the things he liked best about his new zombie form. Besides the fact,  zombies no longer attacked him. Which honestly made sense since the zombie'  only desire is to spread the virus,  and Sans was already infected. He had a heart attack the moment he first realized this. A zombie just casually walking past you would do that to you when in the past the only thing on the zombies' mind was taking a bite out of you.

So it was strange to just be able to wander about as he so desired without a problem. Well, he still needed to keep an eye out for survivors. They would most certainly still shoot him if they saw him. There were some crazy survivors after all, so he would just have to keep an eye out just as he had done before.

Thus, led Sans to where he was now walking along a barren Street, saved for a few zombies with moaned or howled without any form of thought or intelligence. That was... until the stampede started.

Out of nowhere,  as if drawn by some invisible source,  all of the zombies started charging down the street,  scrambling over each other as if they were desperately chasing after something. Sans had to run himself to avoid getting trampled, confused for a moment, about what could have caused this? Only to come to one realization.

They had spotted a survivor. Sans speed up, darting around the advancing zombies, his gaze frantically flitting about to see if he could spot the unfortunate person or persons. Yet it was made difficult because he was struggling to not get trampled in this zombie rush. As it was,  Sans was only able to spot the unfortunate pair due to an agonized scream from one of the pair pointing him in the right direction. Thinking quickly,  Sans lept nimbly lept over several other zombies landing and front of the pack,  which was quickly gaining on the two survivors.

One of them seemed to have received an injury to their leg and they were still running while in such pain Sans wasn't sure. Sans cursed under his breath,  quickly catching up to the pair and grabbing the injured one. "Make a run for that building over there," Sans told the other pointing to a not too far off building. "We can climb up to the roofs and then lose the horde from there."

The survivor didn't have enough time to question me or my appearance. The survivor only gave a shakey confirmation at Sans's statement as they were towards the building. The other survivor gripped on tightly to m,  breathing heavily in pain. The three of them reach the building just in time. The groups printed up three floors of steps before reaching the roof. Sanslockedg the door at the top before taking off again. I jumped over the rooftops for a bit until finally, he found some good cover. Setting down the person in his arms with a sigh.

The other survivor gasped heavily for air after the chase sank to the ground next to their companion.

"B-brother,  are you okay?"

The injured sibling winced. "I don't know. It hurts like heck,  though."

Sans frowned. "Do you mind if I examine the wound? I know some basic first aid."

The two's gaze dart back over to me. It seemed as if they had almost forgotten that he was there. "I would say yes, but first of all,  I have to ask you what in the world you are. Because you most certainly don't act like a zombie." The injured sibling points out. Sans winces.

"It's a short story, but a confusing one,  I'll admit." He starts. "To put it simply, I was bitten by a zombie,  and instead of going brain dead, I ended up like this."

"So this is a mutation of the virus then?"  The uninjured survivor questions.

"That's my best guess." Sans shrugs. "By the way,  the names Sans. What about you two?"

The uninjured pauses then sigh. "Well, I suppose it won't do any harm. You did just save us after all. The name is Drea. This is my twin brother, Nightmare." Dream says, gesturing to their sibling. Who gave a small nod.

It was almost too much for Sans to see the two siblings together. In a way, they reminded him of himself and his brother. He missed Papyrus. He hadn't been separated from them for too long, and already he couldn't help but be consumed with worry for his brother, his brother, whom he had only been separated from for only a day. Anything could have happened to him within that time frame! No, now was not the time to work himself up. Sans had more present matters to tend to, for example, Nightmare's wounded leg.

"Well, it's nice to meet you two Nightmare, and Dream, but I think it is about time we finally get around to tending to Nightmare's injury. The longer we leave it the worse it will be."

Nightmare nods looking down at his injured leg. "Best we do it now, who knows what the future will hold and the next chance we'll have to tend to ourselves. You said you know first aid Sans?"

He nods. "Yup, just give me a moment." He kneels next to Nightmare looking at the wound with a frown. "You guys have a knife? I need to cut this pant leg open to get a better look."

"I do." Dream confirms going into their pocket and pulling out what was ironically a pocket knife. He tosses it to Sans who easily catches it before opening it quickly cutting away at the pant leg where the wound was. What he did see however filled him in pure horror.

"You got bitten." Sans choked out.

The look the twins gave him only made the situation worse.

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