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It was the next day so you and Glaivedriver would be going to the market for information on the dragon hunters, you'd lead one somewhere and get Glaivedriver to try and squeeze information out of them using the tactic of intimidation. 

"This is gonna be a little risky since I'm not going with my dagger nor my armour." You said

Glaivedriver growled at himself for agreeing to let you try to get information about the Deadly Nadder's. It could end two ways, you end up dead and Glaivedriver goes on a massacre or you get information and Glaivedriver gets a snack.

"It's alright! I'm sure I won't get in too much trouble. You'd never allow that anyways so trying to get in trouble isn't a good idea either." You said

Glaivedriver roared at you before hopping over, you were drinking some water.

"Want some?" You asked

You poured some into Glaivedriver's bucket that was never filled, Glaivedriver usually drank from a lake that his prey goes too.

Glaivedriver drank quickly before allowing you to get on top of him.

Glaivedriver took off and flew towards where the market was located, it wasn't far but Glaivedriver still didn't trust it without your flight suit so he flew around the skies slowly.

You made it to the island so you were dropped off in the woods.

Glaivedriver roared before making his way onto a tree branch and sitting there, you'd be back with a hunter sooner or later.

You walked through the market and saw many people but none of them were in the famous and boring dragon hunter outfit.

You saw many people attempting to sell overpriced things, good thing you never came to the market often. You never needed to go since you had everything you needed on the island you lived on.

You stared at dragon root arrows being sold, you had a plan.

You decided to wait and see if any hunters passed by to go buy them, then you'd alert them there was a dragon and lead them to Glaivedriver.

You saw a man walk by in the outfit so he began staring at the arrows, he had a sword. Perfect.

"Dragon!" You exclaimed

"Where?!" He questioned

"Over here! Follow me!" You said

He began to follow you, easier than you thought to be honest.

You walked towards where Glaivedriver was hidden.

"The beast was somewhere around here..." You stated

He didn't bring out his sword just yet which gave you enough time to pull down the cloths that would block him off from running into the market.

"Hm. There it is." You smirked

Glaivedriver came out of the tree and paced back in forth near the other exit while drooling.

"Surprising, isn't it? Having a creature as magnificent as that one in front of you, it could also be the last thing in front of you. Unless you tell me why the have the Deadly Nadder's there of course." You stated

Glaivedriver shrieked before jumping closer which spooked the hunter.

"I can't tell you anything!" He shouted

"Well, dig in." You smiled

You were about to walk out until he began begging you to call off the dragon that was getting increasingly closer.

"Will you tell?" You asked

"Yes! Yes! Anything you want to know about it!" He shouted

"I want to know about those Nadder's. Why do you need them?" You asked

"Vi- Viggo thought it'd be a good idea! These other dragon riders are too strong so we needed dragons of our own! We found a few Deadly Nadder's and began breeding them and now that they're grown we made a team that'd ride them!" He exclaimed

"Other riders? Useful, anything else?" You asked

You knew there were other dragon riders coming for them, it was talked about lots and it was frankly quite obvious.

You didn't know they were that much of a threat that they'd need to start riding dragons to defend themselves.

"N- N- No! Can I go now?!" He yelled

"About that, you hunters are real naive." You sighed

Glaivedriver pounced on top of him and stung him, you walked off into the woods since you weren't up for watching it happen.

Glaivedriver came up beside you not long after.

"Let's go?" You asked

Glaivedriver roared happily before you got onto him.

He took off quickly and went into the direction of camp.

"Pretty useful, he had a sword though. Why not use it on me and escape instead of giving it up? Stupid if you ask me." You shrugged

Glaivedriver bellowed in amusement before landing at camp, it wasn't that far away.

"Whelp, you can go out hunting a little early since it's nighttime. I'll get some dinner for myself, come back whenever you'd like." You smiled

Glaivedriver ran off into the woods and you grabbed a piece of mutton before getting out a notebook you've had longer than you could ever remember.

Filled with Deathgripper information and it had been a while since you updated it.

You wrote down two things, that Deathgrippers had high quality senses and are able to hear and smell blood along with them being able to climb onto trees and hang there for a while.

You closed the notebook and stored it in a tree stump you always kept it, away from Glaivedriver's drooling habits.

Although it wasn't actually considered nighttime yet you had began to feel pretty tired which was always unpleasant since you'd wake up really early in the morning, you wouldn't fight it though since it was pointless.

You grabbed the blanket that was annoyingly out of reach but you wouldn't complain to yourself since you were the one who put it there.

You yawned before stretching, you stared up at the sky wondering about the riders.

You knew they had good intentions towards dragons but they could see Glaivedriver as a threat, most people did due to his appearance and features.

Glaivedriver enjoyed being the threat since he always was but you didn't enjoy being it all the time, even without Glaivedriver you are still the threat to most people.

You'll never blame Glaivedriver for it, you blame yourself for always getting yourself in trouble for something and then you become the threat.

You went to sleep after a while of thinking, long hard thinking.

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