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"MePhone 4! What a pleasant surprise!" Cobs happily announced, entering the meeting room where MePhone was waiting. MePhone rolled his eyes. "You scheduled a time for us to meet. It's not a 'surprise,' sir." 

Cobs paused, shrugging his shoulders with no hesitation, "It certainly does make the situation seem more brighter, doesn't it?" Silence followed, as Cobs' smile faded into an irritated scowl as he pulled a chair over, reading through a list on a metal clipboard he held in his hands. "So...ah! Fan F. Fēng! Anxiety disorder...yes, there we go! So from the data I've collected, Fan doesn't do well in social situations. Also the function of his body when experiencing these anxiety attacks it's unbelievably interesting! Would you like to hear that information?"

"No, no! Just...get onto the important stuff, please." MePhone instructed, raising his eyebrows. "Right, right. I'll be isolating Fan in a small area alone for the rest of the the month, until the next...ahem, subject is brought. It was..." 

MePhone grimaced, "Right, Taco Limón. Subject 18, I think you called her." Cobs smiled, "You're quite smart, MePhone 4!  Of course you are--I raised you. Now, Taco Limón!" MePhone couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Psychosis as her diagnosis! Anywho, Fan will be isolated alone in a small room until Taco shows up, then they will be placed together until the next person arrives. If any...tragedy...occurs, I'll separate the two. Food will be provided twice a day. One meal at noon, one meal at night."

MePhone nodded slowly, accepting the deal. "And medical attention will be provided if anything does happen, right?" Cobs took a moment to respond, "Yes, most likely." MePhone didn't like hearing 'most likely' but it was probably the best he would get. 

His phone rang. MePhone pulled it out of his pocket, reading the name. He couldn't exactly tell who was calling, but he didn't want to take any chances. "Can I take this call?" Cobs gave him a subtle nod, and he quickly slid out of the room to answer his phone. As he picked up, a familiar voice greeted him.

"Mistah Phone!" MePhone paused, "Toilet? What's going on?" He could tell there was worry in Toilet's voice. "I-I got arrested. I got arrested, can you please come and pick me up?" MePhone froze, "Arrested? Toilet, how did you get arrested, what did you do?!" Toilet hiccupped on a sob, "Breaking and entering, attempted aggravated assault, and resisting arrest." He mumbled under his breath, sending MePhone into another world of shock. "Breaking and entering? Aggravated assault?!" 

"Attempted," Toilet corrected. "How did you even...never mind. Never mind, I'm coming for you. I'll come as soon as I can. What if we get convicted? You need to stay in line, Toilet." Toilet sighed, "I know. I'm sorry." MePhone frowned. "I'll come and get you." With that, he hung up the phone. He spun around and turned the doorknob, leaning into the room. "Sir, I'm sorry for the...suddenness, but I have to leave. Right now." Cobs scowled, "MePhone, I've been anticipating this meeting for weeks."

"Yes, yes I know." MePhone rubbed his neck, "But it's an emergency." Of course, Cobs seemed skeptical. "I do not care, MePhone 4. You are required to work with me, and leaving the meeting ever so early has it's consequences."

MePhone couldn't help but grimace. He needed to get Toilet, it was urgent! But at the same time, any consequence Cobs offered was a bad one. He didn't want to take that risk, but Toilet...

"Okay. What consequences?" A smirk formed on Cobs' face. "Bring me Taco tomorrow." 

MePhone sputtered as he tried to wrap his head around what Cobs had demanded. "Tomorrow? Like, tomorrow tomorrow? That's very short notice sir, I don't think I'd be able to prepare her for--"

"Since when do you, MePhone 4, care about being prepared? Better yet, making sure 'the children' are prepared? That not like you." MePhone scrunched up his nose, finally giving in and making his decision. "Okay, I'll bring her in tomorrow. Just please, let me leave. It's an emergency." Cobs, seemingly satisfied, gave MePhone a slight nod. Without hesitation, MePhone rushed out of the room and outside, throwing himself into his car. He fumbled with his keys, finally managing to get the car started as he sped out of the parking lot. 

How did Toilet, of all people, get arrested? If it was MePad, MePhone could think up a way it could have happened. Plus, MePad hadn't been in a good place anyway, him doing something horrendous wouldn't be surprising. Toilet though? Toilet was happy, bubbly, smart, he was...a kid. Toilet seemed incapable of doing anything wrong!

What on earth was MePhone thinking? Toilet drove him nuts! The 17 year old was immature, messy, disobedient, and--

And apparently got arrested for attempted aggravated assault! 

He pulled into the parking lot of the police station, parking the car and rushing inside. He approached the counter, breathing heavily. " employee--er..." He thought for a moment, "Friend? My--ugh, I need to get someone out of jail. He...just got arrested? Breaking and entering, attempted aggravated assault, and resisting arrest?"

The secretary raised an eyebrow, typing on her computer. "Toilet Sh....u...sorry, how do pronounce his last name?" MePhone raised an eyebrow. "Shuǐsè." The woman nodded before typing a bit more. "Hm. Alright. Uh, the family didn't want to press charges as nothing was damaged and nobody was hurt. The problem was resisting arrest, although he didn't seem to have attacked or threatened an officer. The amount of time may vary of jail time, but the bail money should add up, 300 to 750 dollars, I believe." MePhone groaned. "Right...okay. Can't you make an exception? He didn't threaten or hurt anyone, right? Just uh...pulled away? Maybe...?" The woman raised her eyebrows. "That is not for me to decide. Do you happen to know his age, though he admitted his name to us he keeps refusing, tell us any more information."

MePhone sighed, rubbing his temples. "Toilet Shuǐsè. 17 years old, born on April 1st, 20XX." MePhone paused. How did he even know these things? It was odd, he didn't think he paid that much attention to the annoying boy.

"17? So a minor. Would you like to contact your lawyer? He can take care of stuff." A sigh escaped from his mouth, "Yes. I would like to contact her." He took a seat in the small waiting room, dialing the number in and waiting.

"Hello? Cabinet Cartella speaking."

"Cabby! Hey, it's MePhone." There was a pause from the other end of the phone. "MePhone? MePhone 4? How can I be of assistance, then?" How could he word it? Any way he put it would be...awfully weird. 'Hey, this kid who works for me broke into someones house and I need a lawyer!' or 'Hey, some kid resisting arrest after trying to assault someone and I need you to be my lawyer for this case!'

"'s complicated. I uh...I need a bail a 17 year old out of jail."

"Jail?" Cabby paused, "He's a minor, right? Wouldn't they place him in Juvenile detention?" He stood up to begin pacing, "Yeah, yeah, I'm not sure how it works. He's in custody, this sort of just happened. Mind taking a little drive to the police station?"

He heard an aggravated sigh from the other end of the phone. "Sure thing, MePhone, but you owe me one." MePhone smiled, breathing a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Cabby."

"Anytime, MePhone. See you, 20? 25?" He nodded. Why did he nod? He was on the phone. She couldn't see him. "That works. I'll be here."

A short noise came from the phone. She had ended the call. "Alright. Whew! Okay! Mrs. Uh...desk woman..." The woman at the desk raised an eyebrow, unimpressed with MePhone.

"Is there a possible way I could speak to Toilet?" She inhaled, "I suppose that couldn't hurt, now could it?"

The woman opened the door, and MePhone finally walked in.

Welp, time to chew out a teenager.




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