"What Did I Do Wrong?!"

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It was late. Nickel couldn't sleep. Not at all. He sat at the edge of his bed, waiting patiently for the sun to rise.

He noticed sniffles coming from somewhere in the room, but he couldn't tell who it was.

But he knew someone was crying.

With a groan, he sat up, tapping on the wooden wall. If he heard a tap back, he knew exactly who it was-- and he had an idea that it could be this person as well.

.- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .... --- / .. / - .... .. -. -.- / -.-- --- ..- / .- .-. . ..--.. (Are you who I think you are?)

He waited for a moment.

Only him, as well as one other person knew morse code. He happened to know this because of some death threats this person clicked with a pen.

Moments later, the sniffling stopped, and multiple taps were returned.

.--. .-. --- -... .- -... .-.. -.-- .-.-.- (Probably.)

Just as he though. Yin-Yang. Or, just Yin. It was only Yin now.

Nickel tapped a few things back, before they planned to meet in the hall. Nickel was the first one out, nearly waking everyone up by tripping over Taco's shoes that she hadn't bothered to pick up.

He waiting patiently, tapping his foot. He was tired, yet so restless. He needed sleep, and yet his body refused it.

After a few minutes of waiting, the boy walked out with red eyes. He had attempted to dry them before he exited the room, but failed miserably.

"Hey." Nickel greeted blankly. Yin sighed, reaching into his pocket of the black sweatpants he hadn't bothered to change for a few days. He pulled out a blue pill, and popped it into his mouth. Nickel stared in shock for a moment.

"W-What was that?"

"Ibuprofen. I took a few, it makes it hurt less." Nickel huffed. "It makes what hurt less?" Yin raised his eyebrows, lifting up the large black t-shirt that he had been wearing for days.

A large gash was revealed on his side, with blood stains smeared around the wound. It hadn't been cleaned properly, and looked like it would become infected.

"Holy..." Nickel refrained from cursing. "Taco did that?"

"Don't talk about her, please." Yin folded his arms, leaning back. Nickel sighed, "Right."

"Yin, how many pills did you take?"

Yin pursed his lips, looking at the floor. Nickel felt a bit of anxiety grow in him. "Yin, how many did you take?"

"Um....5-7, I'm not to sure."

Nickels eyes widened. "Y-Yin that could kill you! You do realize that, right?!" Yin paused.

"Y...You do realize that."

"You're trying to kill yourself, aren't you?"

Yin exhaled slowly. "Y-Yeah." He looked up, and Nickel noticed his bluish lips, a sign of an overdose. Yin seemed unsteady as well.

Nickel, without hesitation, grabbed Yins wrist and hurried down the hall to an extra bathroom. Yin kept tripping over, and could barely keep his balance.

"We need to get the medication out of your system." Nickel stated, pushing open the door, and pulling Yin over to the toilet. "I don't want to."

"Yin, it's not a question, it's a demand." Nickel stated angrily. Yin clenched his fists. "Why do you even care?!"

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