File #7: Yin-Yang

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MePad stared at the file with shock, setting it down as his stomach churned. He felt sick. Terrified. Surprised, scared, anxious, and confused. The children killed her? That wasn't...possible. No, it couldn't be possible! He snatched up File #7, Yin-Yang, and began reading.

Today Yin-Yang Buono-Cattivo arrived at the house upon court order. He is 4'9, has vitiligo, and is 9 years old.

Reminder: Figure out why he pretends to have two different people in his body.

That was it. That was the file. Lightbulb, Paper, Fan, and Balloon didn't have files. MePhone hadn't bothered. It seems like he hadn't bothered to write a good explanation for Yin-Yang. Not after...

So it was true. It had to have been true; this was why MePhone had started acting so hateful. But what could prove it?

Right. Bow had given Soap two pink bows...if MePad could confirm she had them, then he could be certain. He could be certain that...

He shuddered, slamming the drawer shut and rushing out of his room. He swung the door of the children's room open.

Pillow fluff was everywhere. Blankets were torn apart. Lamps were shattered. Paintbrush was yelling at everyone. Of course...

It took a moment for them to quiet down when MePad opened the door. He waited patiently. "Soap. Who is Bow."

Everyone besides Yin-Yang, Lightbulb, and Paper went pale. Soap stared with surprise, suddenly trembling. "I need to know who Bow is. Was she here? Is she really dead? Soap, do you...still have the bows she gave you?"

Soap swallowed, getting onto her knees, reaching under her bed, and pulling out two tiny, bright pink bows. MePad shakily inhaled, "How did you do it?"

"She climbed onto the chandelier." Nickel mumbled. "And we threw some stuff up there, we tried to get her down, she was MePhones favorite, and if she fell, we'd all be in trouble because she was younger than us!" Paintbrush nodded in agreement, taking their turn to explain.

"We tried throwing pillows and stuffed animals up there. We had Soap stand underneath to catch her. She wouldn't listen when we tried to get her down."

Soap swallowed, "And then Taco threw a plate, and it almost got her down, so we tried throwing bigger, harder things, and then Suitcase threw a book or something," and Taco cut her off. "It was an encyclopedia. And it hit the top of the chandelier and it swung to the side and--"

"And then she fell." Suitcase finished. MePad swallowed. "That explains it. That explains everything--"He paused, looking around. "Where's Toilet? Where did..."

"He said he was going somewhere." He's driving someplace to go get something. Poems, maybe?" Paper suggested. Lightbulb only rolled her eyes, of course she did.

"Drive? He doesn't have a driver's license, why on earth would he think driving is a good idea?-" MePad paused, thinking of the very short lived conversation that they had. "He...he stole my car." "KIDS, GET DRESSED, WE'RE GOING SOMEWHERE!" MePad said as he rushed out of the room.He rushed into his room, grabbing his phone and dialing Toilets number. It rung twice before the person on the other line answered.


"Toilet, where the hell are you?!"

Toilet hung up the phone, and MePad grimaced. He inhaled. "Okay MePad. Think. He talked about a poem. Nickels poem, okay talk to Nickel!" He rushed back to the room. "Nickel, you wrote a poem! What poem did you write?"

"Um...I spelled my name out using words. Natural, Intelligent--" Lightbulb spoke up, "You aren't intelligent!"

"Shut up!"

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