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"I just don't get it..." MePhone rubbed his head, looking through his checklist. "What's wrong, Mistah Phone?"

"It's Paintbrush...he- she- no, THEY never want to eat. It's like they're anti-food...but as soon as that new talkative girl comes along, I find them in the kitchen, eating...and I never ONCE caught Paintbrush in the bathroom."

Toilet shrugged. "Maybe I could ask them? I'm a councler after all!" MePhone rolled his eyes, before mumbling something under his breath. "What was that Mistah Phone?"

"NOTHING." MePhone gritted through his teeth. Toilet stood shocked for a moment, and MePhone felt a guilt creeping up, before Toilet just smiled again. "Alrighty, sir! I'm going to go check on the children, goodbye!" He waved as he ran off.

MePhone forced a smile, before immediately turning back to his angry expression. "I don't get it...maybe I should contact a professional...someone like..."

"Of course."

"You don't have to keep scrubbing, it's already gone." Taco stated, kicking her legs. "Oh yeah? RIGHT THERE!" Soap pointed at a small mark on the wall, covering her hand with her blue cloth before touching it. "Thats a stain, it won't come off." Taco stated.

"Yes it will. I'll make it." Taco rolled her eyes, before rolling over and staring at the ceiling. "You are absolutely-"


"Wha- Who said that?!"


"Who's there?! Show yourself!"



"Kill them. Kill them."

"I WON'T!"



"Taco? What the heck are you talking about." Yin-Yang asked nervously. "Yeah, freak." "Oh be quiet!"

Yin-Yang would refer to multiple personalities as Yin and Yang, Yin was the kinder one, and Yang was know, violent one. "Yin-Yang, why don't you mind your own buisness? Hm?"

Yin- er...Yang, rolled his eyes, before Toilet barged in. "Hello! I have a game some of you might wanna play!" He announced. Papers eyes darted up. "Game?"

"Yeah, hide n seek-- but with a catch." Toilet raised his eyebrows, and Paper stood up. "What is it?"

"Water guns." Toilet held up a water gun, and dragged out a basket of them. The white haired boy smiled. "Okay!"

Soon, several children piped up, and decided to play. "Alright, to decide who looks, I'll spin the water gun and whoever it points to will be it-- get in a circle!"

Each of the children hurried into a circle, and even Fan had set down his phone to play. Toilet quickly spun it around, and after a moment of spinning, it landed in Nickel. "Eh, cool."

Toilet clasped his hands together. "Alright, count to 100, and come and look for us!" Nickel grinned. "I'm going to totally dominate." He turned to face the wall, and began counting.

Everyone darted in different directions. Paintbrush and Lightbulb stuck together, so Fan decided to follow and start a conversation. "So where are we hiding?"

"Me and Lightbulb thought it'd be cool to hide in the cupboards." Paintbrush explained. They were running in the direction of the kitchen. "Hey, not bad. Mind if I tag along?" "Sure, it's cool with me."

The three quickly entered the kitchen, and Paintbrush opened a cupboard under the sink, that only had two bottles of dish soap underneath it. They took them out and set them next to the sink, and climbed in. "I think we can all fit, Fan is smaller than us too!" Lightbulb stated, climbing in after Paintbrush. "Are you calling me short?"

Lightbulb giggled. "Yeah, now come in Fan my Man! Ooh...that one's good..." She tapped her chin. "Whatever." Fan crawled in, and shut the cabinet. "It's dark in here."

"Ooh! Watch this!" Lightbulb, who was wearing a sweater with a literal Lightbulb on it, punched herself in the gut. "Lightbulb-- what are you doing!?" She coughed. "Hit the wrong spot."

She punched herself again, and the Lightbulb on her sweater flicked on. "Woah...hey, isn't that dangerous?" Paintbrush asked, "We are playing a game with water guns." "Hm...I guess so! I'll take it off!" She slipped out of her sweater, revealing a light yellow tank top underneath, sparkles everywhere. "Well, that works.

"Hey!" Suitcase called, and Balloon turned to look at her, confused. "Are you...talking to me?" He looked behind himself, and around the area. "Of course, silly! Do you wanna hide together?"

Balloon smiled, "Sure! Where do you think we should go?"

"There's this broom closet that's packed full of boxes, we could hide in there inside of the boxes!" "That's brilliant! Let's go!"

"Go away."


"Go away."

"You can't make me."

"You are SO annoying!" Taco yelled, turning around. Yang cackled, and after a moment, Yin(?) apologized. "Don't apologize. Apologizing is for-"

"Now is the time to strike."

Taco cleared her throat, before looking up. There was an axe mounted to the wall-- the house WAS pretty old fashioned. She had seen executions before on live TV. Wasn't it legal to execute someone if they were...uh...disturbing the peace? Yin-Yang was disturbing HER peace, anyway. 

The couldn't take her eyes off of it. The voice would shut up if she just...did what it said. She couldn't get in trouble! It was legal, she had seen it on TV! Right? She began to reach up for it.

Just one swing. Nobody likes them anyways. It won't be hurting anybody. Just...o n e........s w i n g....


"Um? Taco what are you doing?" A voice from behind her said. Her mind clicked back into reality. "Wh-"

She was sprayed in the face with water.  "Gotcha." Of course, it was Nickel. "Ugh! You're ridiculous!" Taco hissed, storming away. "Geez, what's her problem?" Nickel asked, getting a shrug Yin-Yang, who had already been caught. Nickel rolled his eyes. "Neat Freak will be out soon, she wouldn't last a minute in a tight space, let alone being shot with 'contaminated' water." Nickel joked, walked through the hall and staring at paintings.

He suddenly bumped into someone, and fell over. "Oh, apologies! Allow me to help you up!" Nickel stared at the man who had knocked him over. "Who are you?"

"My name is MePad, I'm here to see MePhone."




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