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"Ugh...Paintbrush, again?" Nickel groaned, rolling over. It was the middle of the night, and somebody was throwing up in the bathroom.

Everyone always assumed it was Paintbrush-- which it usually was, but it still got on their nerves. They said it was "insensitive," which nobody understood besides Taco.

"What...?" Paintbrush groaned, rolling over.

It had been a long night. They stayed up a bit to late watching movies, and then had to get Paper to stop crying because his favorite character died in the movie. Everybody was exhausted.

"What are you talking about." Paintbrush sat up from their bed, annoyed. "Wh- huh? I thought you were in the bathroom.

Their chatter soon woke the others. Everyone all looked around, wondering who was in the bathroom.

Then it hit Soap. "Uh oh." She mumbled, quickly getting out of bed, and knocking on the door. "Balloon? Are you alright?" She asked. She didn't get a response of course, but that basically gave her an answer.

"Paper, can you run and get Toilet or MePad, or MePhone or SOMEONE?" Soap asked, shaking the door handle. It was locked. "Why did you lock the door? Are you okay?"

Fan perked up, a bit worried. "Is he okay?" Nickels usual annoyed look turned more nervous.

Suddenly both MePad and Toilet ran into the room. "Everybody please get out, we'll handle this." MePad stated calmly, leading the children out of the door. After they each left, MePad and Toilet both tried opening the bathroom door. The handle wouldn't budge. MePad inhaled, "Get me a screwdriver. I can probably get the door unlocked."

Toilet nodded, before dashing out of the door, and moments later coming back with a screwdriver. MePad took it, and began hastily working at the doorknob, until the lock finally clicked. The two quickly opened the door and ran in.

Balloon was leaning over the toilet, vomiting. MePad quickly kneeled down next to him, and held his curly hair back. Although it wasn't super long, his bangs could get in the way.

Toilet rubbed his back, as they waited for him to clear his system. They shot each other nervous looks, frowning.

Once Balloon finally managed to stop throwing up, Toilet picked him up. "You okay?" He asked. Balloon had wrapped his arms around his stomach. "It hurts." He mumbled. MePad thought for a moment. "He might of gotten food poisoning. It's not contagious, so there's no need to worry about the other children getting it, although it can cause nausea, vomiting, cramps, etc."

"But how would he get food poisoning? Mistah Phone just told me that Nickel exposed him to some unhealthy stuff." MePad shook his head. "No, that can't be it. What did he eat today?"

"Well, for breakfast he just ate some toast-- after we got back from the city of course, and then for lunch he ate an egg sandwich that I made for him. The rest of the kids wanted like...turkey or peanut butter and jelly, but he wanted an egg sandwich. Then for dinner we all ate-"

"It's got to be the egg. You must have undercooked it." Toilet frowned. "Dang." He mumbled, rubbing his arm. "We can just give Balloon some medicine and let him rest."

"Alright, I'll get the rest of the kids and send them back in here." MePad nodded, laying Balloon down in bed. "I'll get you some medicine and water." Balloon nodded weakly, frowning.

Soon the kids began to come back into the room. A few of them went back to bed, meaning Paintbrush and Taco, but the rest crowded around Balloons bed. "Are you okay? Why are you sick?" Fan asked.

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