Into Mirkwood

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When I next wake up it's still dark outside so I only assume it is early morning or late night. I shiver and Kili tenses behind me, gripping on to my waist tighter while I turn around and burrow my head into his chest. He wraps a blanket closer around me and I fall into the abyss of sleep once more. The next time I woke up Kili was still there and most of the other dwarfs as well. In fact it was still dark out so I am led to believe that the last time I woke up it was late in the night. I wiggle out of Kili's arms, not being able to fall back asleep, and I slowly creep along the hall, my hand gently caressing the wall as I walk past. I can smell something cooking but my sleep-addled brain can't figure out what it is even with my keen nose. I make my way through the familiar home and I make it into the cluttered kitchen. Pots, pans, cake tins, pie pans, all scattered throughout the dimly lit room. A large table is taking up a large portion of the room with more than enough chairs for just him. Some of the chairs jutting out from under the table while the flat surface is covered in multiple plates and cutlery. I walk in and begin fixing the messy arrangements on the table, putting the forks on the left side while moving the cups over as well. I put the spoons and knives on the right side while placing the napkins on top of the plates. My tail suddenly grows out and I lean back on it to hold some of my body weight. I turn to walk over to the stove which has a small flame burning under a pan full of sausages. Mmmm sausage. I grab the fork next to the pan and turn the meat over to cook on the other side. "Why aren't you sleeping, your majesty?"  A sudden voice sounds next to my ear. I flinch badly and punch the close man in the face, he falls to the floor and clutches his nose in pain. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you!"  He regains his composure and smiles at me.  "My fault for sneaking up on you, small dragon." I smile back and jump into his open, waiting arms. "I've missed you my furred friend." He smiles down at me and I inhale deeply. We release each other from our death grips and I smile up at him. "Would you like help making food for everyone?" Beorn grows serious then rolls his eyes and nods. I giggle and begin taking things out of the cupboards. Flour, eggs, sugar, salt, and baking soda. I go outside through a backdoor and I find a barn further out towards a forest. I go into the barn and grab a bucket by the door. I go to one of the big cows and begin milking her. When I'm finished I walk back towards the house and Beorn is watching me through the window so I smile and wink then giggle. I walk in and Beorn is shaking his head and smiling. I boil the milk and strain it out. Once I'm done purifying the milk I make a dough for biscuits and put them into the warm oven. While waiting for them to cook I went out back once more and found a lush raspberry bush and began picking a few along with some ruby red strawberries and some plump blueberries. I gathered them into a basket and when I finished I went inside and washed them. Beorn had already made everything else and he was smiling at me and looking at my braid. "Which scraggly dwarf is it?"  "How do you know it's not the hobbit? Or the wizard?" "Because I know you and I know you like hobbits and you have a brotherly relationship with Gandalf." "Fair enough. His name is Kili. He's the one with darker hair and not as much facial hair as a normal dwarf." "Yes I saw the dwarf you speak of on your back. I suppose you will fit together well." I smile at him and put food on the table before I look at Beorn with a smug smile and he nods while covering his ears. I roar very loudly and smile. The scream of my friends fills my ears and I chuckle all while Beorn is shaking his head and smiling with his hand now against his sides. The dwarfs come In groggily and Kili walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. I put my hands on his hands before I turned around and picked him up to take him to a chair. When I sit him in the chair before I turn and sit in the chair next to him. I look up and see the shocked faces of everyone, even Beorn. "Woah..." Kili breaths out. I flash my eyes bright green with small slits for pupils. They glowed a little in the dim dining room light. Everyone sat down and we ate in almost complete silence until Bilbo came in and Thorin gestured to the seat next to him. Bilbo sat down and served himself some food while the rest of the dwarfs put their dishes into the large sink. When everyone was finished the dwarfs began cleaning the dishes and singing a merry little song. The same song they sung in Bilbo's little hobbit hole with a few word changes and they weren't as rowdy either. A plate is thrown my way and I'm grateful for my fast reflexes when I catch the plate instead of getting hit with it. I put it away and they keep throwing plates. This happens a few more times and until all the dishes are done and put away. I jump when Kili grasps onto my shoulder and tells me we're going to Mirkwood. I smile sadly and nod before Kili moves his hand down my shoulder and my arm then intertwines his fingers with mine and we walk out. Gandalf and I both get our own horses and the dwarfs get smaller ponies. I thanked Beorn but before we left I hugged him tightly and began crying. As my shoulders shake Beorn pats my head and he pulls me away and smiles down at me. We climbed onto our horses and I sprouted a long, thin tail and wrapped it around Kili's arm loosely while his horse was walking next to mine. He pats itwith his other hand and we both see Gandalf beginning to trot so we all followed him and began to trot. As we increased speed we all started to fall behind one another until I was in front, Gandalf behind me, and the dwarfs after him. I saw a good resting spot and steered my black and white mare towards it with the others following close behind. This continues for several days until finally on the fourth day we can see Mirkwood in the distance. I urge my horse into a faster gallop and we all make it in record time. I smile and slow my horse into a slow walk until she completely stops and I climb off before grabbing my things and setting her back to her master. The dwarfs along with Bilbo all follow my lead until all the ponies have been set free. Gandalf had gone ahead but when he came back he yelled for people to leave his horse be, for he had other matters to attend to. "You're leaving us here?" Bilbo asks innocently. "I'm afraid so, young Bilbo. I would not be leaving you unless I absolutely needed to. Fear not though, Ecko will protect you. She knows this forest like the back of her hand." Some of the dwarfs and Bilbo nod slowly until Gandalf pulls me aside and starts talking slowly. "I'm going to Dol Guldur to seek answers. If I do not return..." I nod and put my hand over my heart, then bow lowly until I rise again and nod. Gandalf walks back over and climbs onto his horse. Then gallops off while I hold up my hand his way in a show of respect. A courtesy of my people and he turns and holds his hand out back. I make a fist and put it over my heart while bowing my head. When that's done I put three fingers up to my forehead in a straight line, before I push them off in a way of warding off evil. I see Beorn looking at us and in his large bear form and do the same thing I did with Gandalf. We all line up at the entrance of the forest. I begin telling them the gist of what's going to happen. "Alright. Don't wander off the path, stay close to me, the line of durin and Bilbo stay closest. Apologies to the rest. There are creatures here that dwell in great evil and will not hesitate to kill you slowly and painfully. We will enter Mirkwood and we will meet with king Thranduil and ask his assistants. You don't have to like them but be relatively decent please." With that we enter into the dark forest of Mirkwood.

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