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Once King sassy pants had left oh so mighty on his oh so magnificent elk I was cornered by Elrond. More or less. He came to my room and told me something that was quite shocking, "your name. It means something. It means a powerful one and by the looks of it that's pretty understandable." I look up at him. Shock written upon my face. I slowly nod and look down, contemplating what I have just learned. He puts his finger under my chin and I look him in the eyes. "If it's alright I would like to call you my daughter. Can I adopt you?" He questioned my eyes widened to the size of saucers and I just looked back down. I start to nod, slowly and cautiously for fear that this might all be a dream. "Alright. You'll need training though. Education, battle training, magic, your powers. Things of that nature." I nod once more to his words but when I yawn he shuffles me off to bed and mutters, "we'll begin tomorrow." I clamber onto the bed and get comfy as I quickly fall asleep.

~~~~next day~~~~~

Calm dad Ecko. Cin baur ú- get angrui (Calm down Ecko. You need not get angry) I take a deep breath and draw my bowstring once more. I pull the string back to my cheek, aim and fire, hitting my designated target, directly in the bullseye. I laugh and throw my hands up in a victory pose. My new father smiles and applauds. I had already been through one lesson of just about everything. I know the basics of sword fighting and I know hello and goodbye in elvish. I just got the bow. "I don't understand what you said." I all but whisper under my breath, yet father still heard me. "Ha na- er -o i limb ways im taught Gandalf edhelen." (It is one of the many ways I taught Gandalf elvish.) I look up at him, confused. He chuckles and releases me from my studies of the day. Tomorrow we will work on magic, and my situation.

~~~~~big time skip~~~~~~
~~~400 years later~~~~~~~~

I had turned into a very young, beautiful creature. White, almost silver hair, with several battle scars because of training or because of the battles I've been in. I've only been in one actual battle. It was scary. I didn't know I was immortal until 390 years ago. I still was trying to make sense of everything though. I was okay with that. I was still an elf and still had the features of an elf unless I said otherwise. It made sense though. I now had excellent control over almost everything. I could hide my wings, horns, and tail; yes I said tail I grew one in when I was 8. I could fly as fast as I wanted or as high as I wanted. I could breathe fire, I had multiple horns, and wing types. I can exchange any horn or wing type whenever I want. I could turn into a dragon. Any size, any color, and I could have scales, fur, or feathers. The demon part of me gave me fire abilities. Normal fire, blue fire, green fire, and my black fire. The strongest kind of fire. My skin turns jet black when I am in my "demon" form as we call it. I'm kind of like a balrog but stronger. I can light myself on fire. Any of the fire, I have horns and my ears still stay. My eyes usually turn the colors I want. My original eye color is red. But I can turn it gold and green with the dragon, and a really light, icy blue in my demon form. I know how to speak elvish now as well. I can speak with animals, and I can speak telepathically to some people if I do choose. If you give me any weapon I can use it. And I don't always need to. I can sprout claws and they are usually coated in poison. If I don't want poisonous claws I can have normal claws. I know healing magic and I can make plants do what I want almost. I can make myself taller or shorter. I'm pretty powerful. Like Elrond said. Thranduil still comes over and we have come to be pretty good friends.

Now time for the actual story.

"King Thranduil has arrived!" That's all I hear from my room as I was reading a book about dwarves. You see, Thranduil might not like dwarves but I love them! They're very mischievous just like me and even if they lack some manners that's alright it's nice to let loose sometimes. I put my book down and rushed out of my room, quickly making my way to Thranduil. When I saw him however he had tears in his eyes and I saw his son, Legolas peering out from behind him. "What's roeg Thranduil? Whui gar- cin brought Legolas?" (What's wrong Thranduil? Why have you brought Legolas?) he looks down at me so I can look into his eyes, and his mind. When I look into his eyes I see the horrid picture in his mind, his wife, dead. On the ground with orcs around her. I release my hold on his mind and look back into his eyes without magic and I feel myself getting taller. When I'm up to Thranduil's chin I reach up and cup his cheek, attempting to make him feel better. He grasps my hand in his and leans into it. I can feel myself bringing my head closer to his to put my forehead together with his. I see Legolas run off to play with Arwen. She's my little sister. Sure I may be adopted but I will care for her and love her like my blood-sister. Legolas is a few hundred years older than Arwen but they still get along quite well. I grow faster than elves so while Arwen is 100 and Legolas 300 I'm a few years older than Legolas but I look older. Back to Thranduil. After he had cried, and fallen asleep with his head in my lap I got the attention of a younger elleth and asked her to get my ada. She nodded and ran off giggling as she went. When Elrond came I smiled at him from my seated position and he looked down at me chuckling to himself. I glare up at him and mutter in dragon-tongue, (something he can't understand) "Valar hiif kopiraak lokluv dii rahgot ativ dii bormah" (Valar help me contain my anger towards my father.) "I's ú- bein." (That's not fair). "Life isn't fair Ada. Get used to it. Now can you help me?" He just smiles and turns away. Fine. I'll do it myself. I lift the elf-king off my lap and put him on my back. Once I got him to my room I left him on my bed and let him sleep some more. I put some water by the bed along with a plate of food for him when He wakes up. As I leave the room I shrink myself to my normal 5'8" and am met with my father looking at me with a funny look on his face. "Ceri- cin mel hon? Ceri- cin think ho na- cín mate?" (Do you love him? Do you think he is your mate?) I look at him in shock and shake my head suggesting that I don't. " no Ada. I love him as a friend nothing more. I'm sorry. I also don't think he is my mate." That's how I responded when I got over my shock. He looks into my eyes and sees my honesty. He nods and says to me, " you'll have to find a courting partner soon." I nod and go back into my room. The first thing I notice is his sad look and the fact that he is awake. He has drained the cup and is in the process of eating. I reach the bed side and pick up the cup to fill it once again. He stops my hand by placing his hand on top of mine. "Cin don't mel nin?" (You don't love me?) "I love you as nothing more than a friend. I apologize." He just nods and continues to eat. He seems to be getting better but then he remembers something bad and gets sad again. When I leave again it's to get Legolas for dinner. I find him with at least 12 different braids in his hair and sleeping. A crying Arwen is sitting next to him. I pick her up and hatter up into my arms. I decided to grab Legolas as well so I shifted a now calm Arwen onto one arm and picked up Legolas with the other one. I have enhanced strength, speed, hearing, and smell because of the elf and dragon. They were light anyways so they felt like feathers to me. Once I had taken Arwen into the dinning room I told my Ada to begin without me. He saw the sleeping Legolas in my arms and nodded. When I got to my room I carefully took out all of his braids. I wasn't careful enough with one of them and he woke up. "Ssshhh go back to sleep little one. Can I brush your hair?" I whisper in the quietest voice I can muster. He nods and I softly and slowly run my brush through his hair and he falls asleep next to his sleeping father. I see Thranduil's messy hair and brush his hair too. Once I'm done I go downstairs and am greeted with a place for me next to my father. My mother, on the other side, across from me. Once we all were seated and had food in front of us we all began eating. I need meat but the elves don't usually eat it. They have started hunting things that need hunting instead for me. Because of the demon it needs to be raw, but the dragon doesn't care so I eat a selection. It doesn't matter so most of the time I eat the cooked portion. On the occasion that my demon wants raw meat I'll eat it. My eyes go all black except my pupil it turns red. Once everyone is done eating I go up to my room and find Thranduil reading out loud to Legolas on his lap. Legolas was listening intensely and when I announced my presence they both looked up at me like I scared them. I realized my eyes are probably different. "What's wrong?" Neither of them respond immediately. Legolas is the first to respond, "your eyes are kinda scary." For the first time in my entire life I felt like a monster. Thranduil immediately reprimanded Legolas. I left the room as quickly as I could. I could feel warm tears running down my face. I ran until I couldn't feel my legs and I couldn't see where I was going. I had heard my father call out for me but I ignored his pleas for me to come back. Once I was far enough away that I couldn't hear anyone I realized I had only brought the dagger I always carried. I dried up my tears and quickly started looking for my way back home. I sprouted my wings to take to the sky because I didn't have any of my horns, wings, or a tail out. I looked like an elf. I sprouted my wings but I didn't get very far because something grabbed onto my leg. I look at it and see a large creature hidden by bushes but with the furry legs that we're grabbing onto my foot I knew immediately it was a spider creature. I drew my dagger and took my horns and tail out. I whipped my tail at the spider's long appendages. It drew its legs back and I landed, pulling my wings in so they wouldn't be in the way. With my wings gone I could move around easier. I saw some large thorns that could easily pierce my body and kill me. I turned my attention back to the spider just in time for it to push me towards the thorns. I quickly reacted and cut off the tip of its leg. I could hear voices yelling my name but I couldn't let this creature get to them. I quickly brought my tail out and whipped it at my enemy. Once it was back I stabbed my tail through the creature. With its last dying breath it pushed me. Into a long, sharp thorn.

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