Pain. Wait, a hobbit?

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This one is a little shorter :)

All I felt for the next hour was pain. My stomach, screaming at me to get off the now bloody thorn. I just couldn't bring myself to pull myself off of the spike. I knew I would almost immediately die if I took myself off of it due to blood loss. I heard a noise and I closed my eyes and nearly stopped my heart. Once I had pretended to be dead I felt cold, dry hands on my arms. I look for all but a second then close my eyes again. Orcs. I start to move and I almost cry out due to the excruciating pain of someone pulling me off the thorn. Great now I'm going who knows where. And taken by an orc. How lovely. I mentally roll my eyes and start thinking about how things would have turned out if I hadn't run, if I hadn't let Legolas's words get to me. I felt a cloth cover my stomach but it stung. It hurt more than a clean cloth so I knew it wasn't clean. When I feel myself get pulled off the thorn completely, I feel myself losing consciousness. I don't yet but I can feel the orc putting me over his shoulder. When he begins walking I hear my Ada, Thranduil, Arwen, and Legolas screaming my name and Legolas shout out an apology. I heard Arwen scream, she was screaming something about blood, and knowing it was mine. My blood was teal so it was easy to depict from others. My blood was black when I had a nose bleed. Only when I had a nose bleed. Then I lost consciousness. When I next woke up I was in excruciating agony. Pain seared through my stomach and I groaned, announcing my presence to my captors. One orc looked over to me and announced I was awake then waddled over to me. He then stated, "get the whip. We're whipping this one into shape." Then he chuckled evilly and someone handed him his whip. He propped me up and turned me around. The next thing I knew I was being whipped. The whipping kept coming and coming for years I endured the pain of torture they put upon me. I had scars over the entire surface of my body and never once did I give in. I had scars everywhere. 2,700 years. That's how long I was there, enduring torture. In secret I would practice my magic and make it extremely strong. The next time the orcs came in to hurt me more I fought back. I squirmed around and I almost bit an orc but I missed which I'm kind of glad for. I got an extra rough beating that day. I'm surprised I haven't gone blind yet. I loosened one of the shackles with my fire. I haven't had the ability to use my fire because I've been weak. I haven't had much fight in me either. I finally loosened it enough to slip my arm out and break the other shackle. My ankles are in shackles too. When the orcs next come in they get a pleasant surprise when I grab their heads and ram them into the walls. I then make my hands extremely hot to burn their hairless heads. I melt the chains that were once around my ankles. I retrieved my knife they took and with the torn up clothes I had torn off a little and covered my injured foot. I made my way out of the orc pit and for the first time In what felt like forever I saw the sun. I would have run into the forest had I not been in excruciating pain and discomfort. I traveled for another month. My condition, never getting any better, just worse. I saw an opening in the forest and quickly rushed out. As fast as I could. I'm taller than a normal person going up to 12 foot but that was almost the tallest I could go. The shortest was as short as I wanted. When I saw the shire I shrunk down to 5'. The closest hobbit hole I saw was secluded from the rest of them but then again they all were kind of spread out. I hobbled over to it, I couldn't walk easily because I had several open wounds. I was going to have even more scars. I knocked on the door and a small hobbit quickly opened the door. He looked me up and down, panicked and hastily waved me in. I was almost pulled in but with my size it had to walk, though he tried dragging me still. I gestured for me to go into a room and I noticed it was the bathroom. I sat down on the floor and the hobbit came in with some clothes and hesitantly noted, "bathe then put the clothes on. They may be a little small but I trust you'll be alright. I'll stitch you up when you're done." When he was finished he left and I hastily drew some water from the tap. When the tub had finished filling up with water I removed my clothing and sank down into the warm water. Once I was done scrubbing the dirt out of my cuts and hair I washed the blood off as well. I drained the water and put more in to rinse off the rest of the way. Once I was finally done I got out grabbed a towel this stranger had given me and patted myself dry. I wrapped the new clothes around me. A simple black tank-top with a pair of white leggings. I tied my hair up and saw some scissors next to the sink. I grabbed them and cut off my hair till it was shoulder length. It had gotten to the point where it hung past my knees just barely. I cut one side till it looked shaved almost. (A/n okay so you know when you like, shave one side and have the other like shoulder length that's what I'm going for.) I left the bathroom after cleaning up all of my hair, I got to the living room area and the young hobbit looked at me, shocked written on his face. I lifted my shirt to show my open wounds that had stopped bleeding and that seemed to break him of his trance. He got up to go get stitching things and I just stood there. I didn't show my emotions at all so it seemed like I didn't have emotions at all. He came back with the things and a stool. He set it down and gestured for me to take a seat. I sat down and he went to work, stitching all my wounds closed. "Ecko. My name is Ecko." I finally said after a few minutes of silence. "Thank you for helping me, young hobbit." I spoke again in a soft undertone. He nodded and responded with, "it's my pleasure helping people who need it. My name is Bilbo by the way. Bilbo Baggins." I nod and close my eyes so I can think of something other than the cold needle piercing my skin everytime it goes in and out. As he was sewing me shut I would flinch or grimace and he would apologize. A few hours later he was done and it was dark. "I dk t know where you come from but you are in no condition to travel young lady. You can stay here until you're all better." That's how he responded once I told him I must return home, for my family will be worried sick or thinking I'm dead. I just nod and go to lay down on his couch when he shakes his head and leads me into one of the back rooms. One room had a bed along with a few other things like a bookshelf, a table with mail on it, a basket of something and a closet. I decided that this was Bilbo's room. So I turn around and head to the couch telling him I would be okay. He shook his head but reluctantly accepted it. I curled up on the couch and shifted into a small dragon. Sleep came to me easily for the first time in over 2000 years.

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