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"We haven't been shopping together in forever." Jae sighed while we walked into another store.

"I know I know, sorry about that."

"It's fine we know how busy you are now with a child and a hot dad on your hands." Allie smirked.

"Have you made it official?" Jae asked.

"We did last week." I told them.

"And has everything been okay after that.." Allie trailed off.

"Yes I already told you guys we're past all of that." I reminded.

"Okay okay." Jae said in defense.

"Your falling for him fast aren't you." Allie said.

"I am." I sighed. "He said he has a surprise for me when I get back, I'm kind of nervous."

"What if it's a car?" Jae smirked.

"Why would he buy me a car?" I asked.

"Um because he's loaded. What does he do anyway?" Allie asked.

"He has a lot of companies, and does business with huge people.." I trailed off.

"Well tell him to hook me up." Jae said making me laugh.

I couldn't tell them what he actually does
obviously. I hated lying to my friends but I know they have big mouths and it could get out to the wrong person or others. And I won't allow that, and I would never do that to Nicolas.

We made it into a restaurant just to eat quickly since Allie had an appointment in an hour. "I'm going to go to the bathroom really fast." I told them.

"Need me to come with you?" Jae asked.

"No it'll be quick." I assured. I finally found the bathroom and went inside checking the messages from Nicolas making me smile. I went inside the stall and hung up my purse giving him a call.

"Miss me already?" He said.

"Why are you always so cocky with yourself." I said.

"I'm not Im just always sure with myself." He said. I can tell he's smirking.

It was good to go out and be with the girls but I was really missing Nicolas. Being in that house with him and Luna all the time made me attached.

"I miss you." I sighed.

"I'll see you soon Angel. Just remember the surprise." He told me.

"You can at least give me a clue."

"It's a surprise for a reason baby." He chuckled.

"I know. I'll see you at home." I smiled. Once I hung up  I put my phone in my purse hearing someone come in but I ignored it until the lights turnt off.

"Hello?" I called out. Maybe it was janitor and she didn't see anyone in here. I grabbed my purse from off the hook and walked out but that was my biggest mistake.

The person put something over my head and I felt something being stuck into my skin making me try and scream to fight back but I started feeling weaker every second.

I fought as a hard as I could one last time and passed out.



"Put the guns over there." I told Dario.

"Why don't you just let me kill him." Marco sighed.

"Cause I want Angelo for myself. I want my face to be the last face he sees before he dies." I said. I  heard my
phone ring seeing that it was Thea making me answer the phone.

"Miss me that bad angel?" I smirked.

"Hello? Is this Nicolas??" Someone asked on the phone making me confused.

"Who is this?"

"Were Thea's friends Jae and Allie. You're Nicolas right?"

"I am, why do you have her phone?" I asked.

"She went to the bathroom, and Thea never takes long in the bathroom. After five minutes we came to check on her and she wasn't here. We saw her purse and stuff on the floor when we came in. Is she there with you? Do you think she would leave out of nowhere?"

"What do you mean she wasn't there? Where the fuck is she?" I asked making Marco come over to me.

"W-we don't know. We think someone took her because if she did leave she would never leave her bag and her phone." She explained.

"Shit. Text wherever you are don't move." I said hanging up.

"What happened?" Marco asked.

"Thea's missing. That asshole has her I know he does." I seethed with my phone ringing again but it was from an unknown number. "Who is this?"

"Maybe I should've gave you my number since we are friends." He laughed on the phone. Angelo.

"Sto per ucciderti, cazzo." I seethed almost crushing my phone in my hand. (I'm going to fucking kill you)

"Likewise my friend. I have your little girlfriend here you want to speak to her?" He smirked when I heard muffles in the back. "Say hi."

"Nicolas.." I heard Thea sniff.

"She's gorgeous, and smells like heaven I can say. You sure do know how to pick them, have you two already had sex yet? Cause I'd love to get a taste of her on my own." He said making my blood boil.

"Don't fucking touch her!" I shouted hearing her cries.

"God you're so annoying with your shouting." He laughed. Meet me at my warehouse. You know? The place that almost killed you? I want to finish you myself." He said hanging up.

Words couldn't even describe how angry I was. "Gather the men and head down to the warehouse but park a few blocks down and separate. If I don't call you in 10 minutes once were all there I want you to all come inside. Grab every fucking weapon in this warehouse. This ends now." I said walking towards my car.


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