My father chuckles, "No. It's because I work hard."

"Right." I sigh.

"This city needs a leader after I die. Someone intelligent but who will also work hard." My father continues.

Charles tries to stand up straight and keep the smile off of his face. I roll my eyes again. I guess my father is finally about to announce who will take over. Wyatt also shifts. I arch my eyebrow at this. I've never seen him nervous before. I really thought he didn't want anything to do with this company. I surely didn't. It was built off greed and lies and so much blood.

My father stands but before he could say anything someone was knocking on the door and entering the office.

She greets everyone and then looks my way and smile, "Hello Astra."

I wave awkwardly. "Uh hi-Margret."

Margret and I had an interesting relationship. And it was my father fault. My first week here my father tried to set me up with Margret. She had to accompany me to all the balls and my father ate it up.

Telling everyone how much he supported my decision and how he believed in loved. This gave him a lot of support from different companies in the new world. But, he was such a liar. He didn't care about love. The word love should never leave his freaking mouth.

Poor Margret thought I really liked her because of the lies my father was whispering in her ear and kissed me out of nowhere. It ended awkwardly and I had to explain to her that I still wasn't over my ex. Lie. Zillah and I never even had a chance to make it official.

I sigh.

Margret was so embarrassed but I reassured her that everything would be cool between us.

I snap back to reality when Margret leaves out of the office shutting the door softly behind her.

"Poor girl." My father say. "I would have gladly accepted her into the family. She's beautiful, smart, and would know when to stay out of the family business."

I roll my eyes.

My father scoffs, "You should get over that demon all ready."

"Could we please get to the point?" I scowl.

My father grins and continue on with his boring speech. "As I was saying. I need someone to run the company after my death. And I want that person to be you Astra."

I gulp. No.

Before I could say anything Charles was throwing a tantrum. "Father. No. I—have been loyal to you for years. I deserve this."

Wyatt just rubs his chin before sighing. I guess he didn't want it that much either.

Charles however was on the verge of tears. "I worked to damn hard father!" He hisses. "How could you just throw away all of this. Astra is not the right choice."

"He's right. I wish to go to college after graduation." I say.

My father smirks, "I'm positive after tonight you will change your mind sweetheart."

What did he have up his sleeve this freaking time? I think.

"This company hasn't ran this smoothly since your mother was around."

I gulp and bawl my fist. How dare he speak of her? "And then you come and everything is perfect all over again. I know with the right set of mind you will be perfect for this position."

I groan. I wanted to bang my head against something. I leave the office and head to my car. On the way Margret stops me.

"Congratulations." She blushes while shaking my hand.

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