Before either man could pull his gun from its holster, the Jedi knocked them clean out.

"I guess we've got our disguises." Anakin shrugged and Kyah nodded.

They dragged the men into a maintenance room near by, stashing them behind a stack of boxes, stripping them of their uniforms, then covering them with a tarp off of one of the shelves in the room.

Kyah waited in the hall while Anakin pulled on the armour of the taller man. He stepped out fully dressed and held up the helmet to Kyah, "Do I have to wear the stupid hat?" He asked, an annoyed look on his face.

 He stepped out fully dressed and held up the helmet to Kyah, "Do I have to wear the stupid hat?" He asked, an annoyed look on his face

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"It's incredibly important to me that you do." She tried and failed to contain her laughter as he grumbled grumpily to himself and pulled the helmet on. "It's more wonderful than I could have imagined." She whispered to tease him and Anakin rolled his eyes, pulling it off again and tucking it under his arm.

"Awe, you're no fun." She whined and he rolled his eyes.

"Let's see how you like it?" He opened the door for her.

She stepped inside and looked down at the heavy armour, already dreading having to wear it over her numerous injuries. She reached behind her and started to unbutton her top, but the further down her back she got, the more it strained the wound on her shoulder, and stretched her aching ribs. She groaned in frustration and dropped her arms back to her side as she frowned down at the blouse, noticing the blood splattered down her sleeve, the singed neckline bellow the collar, and the badly tattered hemline of the skirt. She decided it was unlikely Satine would want the garments back, so she ignited her lightsaber, and carefully sliced up the front of the top.

Anakin heard her lightsaber activate and stepped closer to the door, "What are you doing in there?" He asked in confusion.

"Cutting myself out of this accursed dress." She said in frustration, "It has like a hundred tiny buttons." She said and Anakin laughed to himself, shaking his head.

She slid the sleeves of the dress down and felt the bandage over her shoulder come away with the garment, not surprised the adhesive on the tape had failed with so much blood and sweat soaking it. She winced as she felt the cold air hit the reopened wound and tried to look over her shoulder to see it, growling in frustration again when she couldn't get a good look, but felt as a trail of blood started to drip down her back.

She looked around the poorly stocked shelving in the maintenance closet, and found a roll of tack cloths. Grabbing those, she took the bottom of her skirt and ripped along the seams all the way up, tearing them away into strips she hoped to use to tie the cloths over the wound and keep from bleeding through the Mandalorian uniform.

She tried to hold the tack cloths in place while draping the strips of her skirt over top, but any time she would move one, the other fell loose. She tried a few more times and failed, looking around the room again for other options, but came up empty. She looked at the door, then down at the white undershirt she had on underneath the blouse. She turned her back to the door and blushed hard as she called to Anakin.

Anakin Skywalker AU RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now