Epi 5 - The Roundup

Start from the beginning

"Nell!" I smiled and put on a charming and friendly face. 

"Hey." Nell smiled back at me. 

I prentended to seem interested in her. "Look at you, you are positively glowing. What's your secret?" I asked. A quick glance at Chen told me she currently thought I had grown a second head based on the way she was currently looking at me.

"Um," Nell blushed, "I hiked Malibu Creek yesterday, you should try it, it's good for the soul." She suggested. 

I might do that. I should get out more often.

"I bet, listen. I saw this at the bookstore yesterday and thought of you." I smiled and handed her the book I got.

She blushed even deeper this time. "That is so sweet." She giggled. Good, this was working. 

She started to open the wrapping paper and a huge smile broke out on her face. "Oh, my gosh! Kilimanjaro! I have been dying to go someday!" I can't imagine why, but sure.

"You will, " I assured her. "Hey, so listen, as calls come in that sound like felony arrests, can you send them to us?" I asked, looking back at Chen quickly who had pasted on a friendly smile. At least she knew when to play the part. 

"And not over the radio?" I added. 

Suddenly Nell looked nervous. "Um, that would qualify as favoritism. So..." she said hesitantly.

I put on another charming smile, I needed this to work. "But, I am your favorite. Come on, for me?" I practically begged. I could not lose this contest, everyone would ridicule me for days, weeks even.

"Okay." Nell finally agreed and smiled, "But just for today."

"You will! Great! Thank you so much!" I gave her a final smile then Chen opened the door for us to leave. "You're the best, Nell." I said right before I closed the door behind us. 

Immediately, Chen asked, "Isn't that cheating?" 

Ugh, is she going to be a Debbie Downer all day?

"I'm celebrating the unsung heroes of the LAPD," I explained.

"In exchange for Hot calls. Isn't our job to respond to any crime, no matter the anticipated outcome?" She continued, annoyingly. I would not have her ruin this for me today.

"Of course, but if you're gonna be some pollyana on my shoulder all day, I'll be happy to loan you out to clean the drunk tank. Heard there were some heavy pukers in there last night." I suggested, just as we were walking by on our way back to the supply desk to get our gear again.

"Clearly, I misspoke when I said cheating-"She started to backtrack when the door buzzed and suddenly Lopez and West were hauling in their first arrests for the day.

"You got to be kidding me?" I complained. Lopez already had a head start, with first points on the board.

"Hey, look what we found just 2 blocks away. A burglary and consipiracy lookout." West bragged as they started processing.

"Are you here booking someone?" Angela asked us.

"No," I replied.

"Oh, I guess we're first on the boards! 14 points!" She announced.

"Hey!" West fist bumped her.

"Ah!" She celebrated.

God, they were annoying.

"Let's go, Boot." I told Chen. We needed to hit the streets.

15 minutes into our patrol Chen's phone chimed. I glanced over to see she was in a group text with Nolan and West. Not surprising since they all went to the academy together. They were a real trio of 3 musketeers. 

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