Chapter 2: Meditation or Lucid Dream

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"I'll try."

"At least try harder than you did last time."

I sigh and nod. Her heels tap out of the shop and I am alone again. I guess I'll work on my online training classes while I wait for them to return. Let's try module one. It's named: the customer is always right. Maybe I should save that one for later. "Hmm..." I say and tap my chin with my index finger.
Oh, there's a loss prevention course. Let me see what that's about.

"Welcome to Befors' online training center, let's begin the course selected."


"In this course, you will learn about five red flags and what to do if you incur one. First red flag: if a customer has no items in their shopping carrier and they've been in the store for a while. The solution: approach them and ask if they need help with finding an item."

"Ok. I did that." I chuckle lowly.

"Second red flag: someone that comes in with overly big clothing. The solution: assist this customer as they shop and keep a close eye on them. "

Is every solution keep a close eye on them and assist them with shopping?

"Third red flag: if you see someone stealing something report it to your supervisor immediately.

What if it takes forever to reach them? What if the perp gets away with it because the supervisors come too late? This is stupid.

I chuckle. "What is so funny?" I look up at the owner of the voice. Baran.
"Are you here to return what you borrowed?" I ask.

"Yes. I don't need the book anymore."

"Who are you looking for? A witch?" He passes the red book to me.

"Not anymore. I'm looking for a mage that can travel through space and time. They're rare but have you come across any?"

"No, not that I know of. Ms.Dean wants to chat with you."

He walks around the counter and stands a breath away from me. He leans over me and whisper down at me.

"Why would I want to do that?"

I sigh. "How did the last mages that worked here die?"

"Transformations are costly. How much would you risk to look a certain way, to gain favor, or to be more powerful?"

"I'm not that ambitious. I like to just make it by. If I can get a B+ or an A- in a course, I am satisfied with just making it to success."

"Sometimes not striving to be the peak of the best keeps you away from being greatest being you deserve to be."

"Imagine the immense pressure that comes along with being perfectly great. The fall from it, as you even implied, is so great that it can take your life away. I don't think that's a worthy exchange."

A black heel hits the bookshelf beside me. Thud! "Ash, I told you to call me as soon as this rascal shows up. Boys pat him down. Who knows what else he took?" Ms.Dean says out of breath. Sam and Tom pat him down. Nothing? I'm actually surprised. I giggle.

"Nothing is funny you two. Now Baran, it's time you paid back your dues. Come with me to my office young man." She says. I nervously sigh. Sam and Tom shake their mushroom haircuts at me. Tom's bowl cut has thick bangs like a sheepdog that is reddish brown and Sam has his swooped around his face with natural black waves cascading through it. Sam narrows his dark eyes at me. "You think you're off the hook that easily? Nope, it's time I teach you about counting the item logs. Tom watch the register."

I look down. Today is going to be a long day. "Don't look so surprised. You had to learn this someday. You thought you were going to keep getting away with not having to pull late nights keeping track of the item logs, when you're the one who lets Baran just take anything he wants. No, you'll pay for it."

"Sam, I don't even know the guy." I say flatly.

"So, you want to act like we didn't catch you two making-out over there. Please. You like him and how he was leaning over you... I'm sure the feeling is mutual."

"What? I don't like him I'm just...kind of attracted to him. There's a difference there. One is committed to the idea and the other can take it or leave it."

Sam lightly grabs my wrist and lowers his voice. "Ash, Baran is bad news. Every mage that has gotten close to him has died."

"Did he date them or was romantically involved with them?" My big brown eyes widen and I look up at him.

"No but Ash... He's a wildcard and trouble tends to follow him. It's best to keep your distance with that one. We still don't know why all those mages died in their sleep. Ms. Dean says they overworked themselves and got exhausted. She said something about their hearts couldn't take it but one died from a stroke."


"Yes and those were dudes. Imagine what he'll do to you and you're a lady. Just leave his weirdness alone over there. Ok?"

"I'll try." I laugh and he gasps.

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