Neteyams lips flashed you a grin in return, pleased with your words, "that is good, I am glad!" - he glanced back at his parents hut, his expression turning serious, "mom and dad are both talking, not sure of what but it has Kiri and Tuk's interest.."

Lo'ak couldn't deny his mild interest and neither could Neteyam, sharing a nod between you three before making your way to Kiri who gestured for you to be hushed, the sound of heated voices made your ears twitch as you brought the side of your face closer to the roof of the hut, Neytiri's forlorn tone picking up their tense conversation.

"I cannot ask this, we will not leave my people," you could hear footsteps as she paced around the hut, "I will not leave my people."

"He's hunting us, he is targeting our family.." Neytiri's frustration sliced through the tension, "you cannot ask this! The children, everything they have ever known, the forest!" - the desperation that coated her words made your heart clench, but so did the thought of abandoning your childhood home, the forest where you wandered for hours aimlessly and without a destination, the nightly escapes with Lo'ak climbing up the giant vines to the highest peak of the Hallelujah mountains just to race eachother on your Ikrans, no more visits to see your mother and tell her about your days, rambling on about the most random of things.

Oh, your mother

"He had our children! He had them under his knife!" there was a small moment of silence that fell over the two parents, your thoughts started swimming, just the thought alone of leaving your mother made you feel sick, never being able to come back and see her, it hurt. You couldn't possibly agree to do such a thing. Your eyes fell on Kiri, who didn't seem the slightest bit phased by what you just heard, but you weren't surprised. She could feel mother anywhere, hear her heartbeat and communicate with her in a way you had grown to envy. And you envied it now.

You tore your gaze away from Kiri and abruptly stood, ignoring the questioning looks from the group as you made way to the edge of the cliff, fitting your riding visor as Lo'aks footsteps fell behind you with his hand clasping onto your wrist, turning you to face him, the frown on his lips made you think twice but it wasn't enough to deter you - "where are you going?"

you pushed the green demon of envy to the side, just enough to make your smile believable but Lo'ak was no fool, your eyes did not match the sincerity of your lips. "I'm just going for a ride, I have to think about some things.." you gave him no opportunity to stop you as you whistled for your Ikran, his familiar patterned wings coming into view as he perched beside you, quickly performing tsaheylu and taking off with nothing but your scent left behind.

Soaring high amongst the mist your eyes admired the green terrain below, the canopy of trees, the plethora of waterfalls and giant rocky structures that could still be made out clearly from miles away. It was breathtaking and you were proud to call it your home - you scowled, the sadness that you felt before had turned to anger, anger at the sky people, anger at Eywa for making you leave all that you had ever known, anger at Eywa for treating you so differently from your sister. Why were you so unfavored?

a deep sigh passed your lips, that displeasure turning to sadness once again. Your ikran let out a strong rumble from its chest, feeling every bit of your emotions through your intertwined bond, you smiled sadly at him with your fingers stroking his long neck before tilting your head up to stare at the endless dark sky above, "I'm okay, Ikä'te, just troubled.."

your eyes fluttered shut, basking in the iciness of the early night eclipse, the sight of endless stars soothed your troubled emotions. but it wasn't for long, curiously peeking to see the cause of the sudden shadow that blocked your stargazing, pleasantly surprised to see another ikran flying above you, watching as it's large wings dove straight down and with an elegant turn to align with your own. An apologetic expression ghosting your features as you locked eyes with Lo'ak, the guilt from brushing him off making a pit in your tummy, he simply brought two fingers to his forehead before slowly trailing them down, his braids swaying with the wind and the corner of his lips turning up.

Avatar oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora