~Lo'ak pt3~

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Word count: 2591k

Summary: After overhearing Neytiri and Jake talking about leaving the forest you go for a late night Ikran ride to let loose for one more night when you're joined by an unexpected guest.

Type: Fluff

Pairings: Lo'ak x female reader

Warnings: unedited work,

Notes: Y/N and Kiri are not adopted by the Sully family. They have no relation to them other than family friends.



The flight back to the Ayram Alusìng was reticent, the high emotions from the events that conspired still raw, staggering. The gentle breeze of the night sky was fleeting against your cheeks, your lungs taking in the fresh air with a deep inhale, the spasms of your aching muscles sent sharp pangs throughout your body. You simply could not wait to get home.

Having been too mentally and physically exhausted you found yourself too weak to perform tsaheylu, the cries from your muscles had turned to joy when Lo'ak had helped you onto his Ikran, quickly taking off after his parents and siblings with you in front.

"You ok?" you felt a warm chest press against your back, the sudden gentle pressure making you wince slightly, the feeling of Lo'aks front and his lips next to your ear made you forget about your pain even if for a second. You answered with a nod, a sudden sharp turn making you hold onto dear life around the sky creatures neck, shooting him a glare as another shudder of pain waved over your body at the sudden movement but any irate feelings quickly dissolved at the sight of the apologetic smile on his lip, his arms coming to rest on either side of you as you lowered yourself to lay against the ikran, securing your safety from falling.

"We'll be there soon, hang tight.." his focus shifted entirely on getting back home, your tired eyes fixed on the luminescent glows of the forest below, marveling in the beauty that only appeared in the darkness of the moonlight, your own na'vi freckles beginning to glow. Paired with the tranquil scenery and the blissful wind you quickly lost track of time, feeling the tension in your person start to calm.

The familiar view of your safe haven carved into the sky blessed your eyes, Lo'ak maneuvering his beast skillfully as he swept under the summit and into the cave system before perching on the outskirts of the entrance. His parents and siblings had arrived before him and he could make out the figures of Kiri and Tuk as they peeked into Jake and Neytiris hut, Kiri ushering you over with a wave of her hand. Hopping down from the Ikran you gave it a soft caress along its snout as Neteyam approached, giving his brother a squeeze on the shoulder before turning to you with a worried expression, "how are you feeling?" He asked.

You never really spent much time with the older brother aside from when he would teach you how to properly hold and use a bow in your childhood lessons, his annoyance always apparent whenever Lo'ak would interrupt and whisk you away, but in time, you did master the art of archery, even becoming proficient enough to join the hunter's on their foraging for big game. The pride that had shown on Neteyams face when you brought down your first Angtsìk made you smile fondly at the memory. You've definitely come a long way.

You beamed with a smile, the flight had done wonders on your tendons and the aches had subdued, save for a few bruises but none that would not go away in a few days time, you rubbed your forearm, enjoying the way they no longer felt sore, "much better, thank you! resting definitely helped."

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