Chapter 51

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Nova Pov

"Is Deshawn Jhonson, or Tre'shawn Brown out of surgery" I said shaking and talking to the lady at the front desk

She looked at the computer

"Sorry not yet ma'am" she said

"BABBBYY" my mom said running up to me and hugging me

"Momma" I said as tears came down my face

"Are you ok, is trey and dj ok, what happened" my mom said hugging tight

"They got shoot, but dj got shot and the chest, and trey got shot on the side of the stomach" I said crying

"And and, Sanaya started bleeding from her leg, but they say the baby is ok, and shes ok" I said

"Awww baby, its ok they gone make it, God got us, and you know the both are fighters" she said rubbing my hair

We went in sat down and my dad comfort me, "its okay baby" my dad said

Mom was comforting reny

Everyone was sitting there hoping the doctor came out in say they are ok

Hour later

Everyone was half sleep, me in reny was the only one up

Two doctors came out with clipboards and called Tre'shawn name first

"Yes I'm his sister" I said standing up

"Me too" reny said

My dad and mom got up

"We his parents, is he ok" my mom said

Everyone stood up

"Tre'shawn lost ah lot of blood, but he will be ok its gonna take him ah couple of weeks to recover, y'all can visit him in the morning" The doctor said

The other doctor called Deshawn names

"Yes I'm his wife" I said so quickly

"Deshawn lost ah lot of blood too, buh he was shoot in the chest, close to his heart but lucky the bullet didn't hit his heart, or no ribs or lunges was messed up, he will need more time to recover, but he made it,he  do have ah tube In his mouth just so he can breath but were gonna take it off tomorrow an see if he is able to breathe by himself"

"Thank you" I said talking to both of the doctors

"You can see him, and stay with him if you like" the doctor said talking to me

"Yes" I said grabbing my purse

"Juju make sure to check up Sanaya"

"Nova I"ll bring you some clothes and the morning, try to get some rest" reny said hugging me

"You to" I said

"Love you baby" my mom and dad said

"Love you to" I said

I left and went to go see dj

I went in the room and seen him laying down with the tube in his mouth and his eyes closed

"Awww baby" I said so low

And touching his face, an tears coming down my face

I grab his hand

"Thank you god" I said

I den went in sat down and the chair in just felt asleep

Next Day

"Knock Knock" my mom came in

I woke up

"Hey sweetie you ok" she said

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