"Y/n you're up!"

"Alright wish me luck", you said heading up to the stage.

Time Skip~

It was around ten o clock at night and you were just getting some extra practice in. Your song went well but even though Buster didn't you spotted some things you could work on.

You were about halfway through the song when you heard Ms. Crawly yelp which caused you to yelp as well hitting a wrong note.

"Ms. Crawly are you alright", you said turning around and seeing Johnny standing in front of Ms. Crawly.

"Johnny! You gave me a fright there"

"Sorry Ms. Crawly", Johnny said before heading over to you "Hey Y/n I know its late but I could really use some extra piano lessons"

"Ms. Crawly is it ok if we stay late", you asked the old iguana, who just finished cleaning up the place.

"Of course dearie", she said leaving the room.

"Ok then lets get started"

Time Skip~

It was morning, you had been up all night teaching Johnny and you ended up passing out on the chair.

"Hey!", someone yelled into the room startling you awake, yelping and causing you to fall on the floor.

"Sorry, Mr. Moon would like everyone to meet back stage before she arrives", Meena said before leaving the room.

"Ow", you said after she felt the room.

"You alright", Johnny said chuckling before going to help you up.

"Yeah I'm fine, come on lets head backstage", you said going out the door and heading backstage while Johnny followed you.

You both sat on the steps while Johnny read the newspaper while you were leaning on his shoulder due to tiredness.

"Mike you're on first", Buster said walking in the room.

"Rosita and Gunter you're on after Mike", he continued.

"You got it boss", Rosita said coming in through the back doors.

"Ok Johnny you follow them"

"What? Oh yeah I'm ready", Johnny said not fully paying attention.

"Ash you're-"

"After Johnny got it", she said cutting him off.

"Ok Y/n your after Ash"


"Y/n", he called out to you before realizing you had fallen asleep on Johnny's shoulder.

"Y/n wake up",Johnny said nudging you awake.

"Huh? What?", you said waking up confused.

"Y/n you're after Ash ok", Buster repeated.

"Oh, yeah, ok"

"Ok Ali you're after Y/n"

"Got it", Ali said before you spaced out.

"Hey Y/n you alright", Johnny said noticing how tired you looked and how you kept spacing out.

"Yeah I'm fine I'm just gonna go outside for some fresh air, call me when Rosita and Gunter go on", you said getting up and going to the back doors opening them and sitting outside the back of the theater.

Time Skip~

It had been a couple of minutes so you decided to head back inside and right when you saw everyone else you were pushed back by the force of water.

You were pushed at the back of the theater with no way to get out or that would've happened if you didn't have wings, you flew higher above the water and thats when you heard a creek.

You looked up and saw the theater was about to break, you looked around for any exits but it was too late the theater came crashing down on you and then black.





So I know its not Monday but I decided why not publish this right now? I mean I already have this bit done and decided why not leave you guys on a cliff hanger you know what I mean.

Anyways I'm still publishing this Monday just letting you guys know.

Anyways bye.


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