VOLUME 9 Chapter 7

Start from the beginning

"Should I report this to her majesty, M'Lord?"

"Yup. She needs to hear this, I might need multiple backup plans if they're actually serious about this."

He opens the door again and hands the envelope back. "Have a safe trip back to base soldier."

"Thank you sir!"

Closing it, the Queen shoves a health potion to his hand. "Take this My Lord. It should make you look twice as good." without questioning it, he chugs down on the vial and it smiles and nods.

"These health potions, wow. They're pretty good."

"It's thanks to those many Doctors got removed from their jobs in the human realm, My Lord."

"But I'm sure there's still Doctors right?"

"Are there? The Countess should know. But what was this thing about two Dragon Gods meeting? Are your Leaders truly messed up in the head, My Lord? Are they aware of what they could be bringing to a world that's not even theirs to destroy?"

"You got me. I have no idea truly, only theories. From the words on the paper, all it truly gave me was that we are expanding our military operations. But that could mean anything at this point."

Elizabeth then points her finger up right in front of the General, seemingly lecturing the human like a teacher to a rowdy student.

"My Lord, you should really say something back to your Leaders. I swear to the Gods above and below, one day they'll conjure a plan larger than anything and it will end this world before the hordes of Hell could." She then breathes out, putting her fingers up her forehead. Clearly thinking. "Hah, I guess I'll think of something when we get to that point, My Lord. I can not believe your leaders are this... courageous? Or just plainly moronic."

"What can I say, they're just like that really."

Alana then comes around after fetching some accessories as she tries on another pair of differing rubies for her crimson gown, while she does this, she fixes his necktie.

"There's still clinics by the Holy See M'Lord, but they're one of the only institutions that I remember that offer such things at this time. Your necktie, make sure it smells good also."

"I see, and wait. I'll do it when I'm on the Sofa."

"Also Countess, the other pair of rubies suits that gown of yours better."

"Oh, the other ones? You mean the Meridian Rubies, Your Majesty?"

"Yes, have your necklace be Meridian Rubies and then have Geraldian Enchanted ones to your earrings. Also, I recommend using a bit more thicker mascara. I think it should fit you just fine."

"Hm. Thank you, your majesty."

Elizabeth then casually removes her towel and walks into the bath once again while the General got his entire ensemble together and Bahamut continually bulldozes through all the food she could find her hands on.

After checking his noble outfit's ornaments, the made man sits down and starts fixing his tie once again as Alana recommended another color. Coming out of her long bath was the Queen, all naked and exhibiting her wonderful and gleaming spotless skin while holding a glass of Wine. Leaning down on the sofa, she spooks the busy man trying to make sure he is prepared for the long night.


"What, My Lord?"


"Hm?" she looks down on herself and shrugs. "I look pretty much my usual hot self, My Lord."

"No, that's not the point!" the man facepalms. "Just put even a shirt on!"

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