His gaze meets mine, still holding the same fondness.

"I assume your presence may have something to do with that change, so whatever it is you need to do... don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need help dealing with him and his stubborn ways."

Damn, why am I getting emotional? Aren't these guys supposed to be just colleagues?

"I will... actually theres something I do need to ask."

"Ask away."

"Jimins ex-girlfriend Heeji, what exactly happened between those two?"

His face pulls a blank, not one that was clueless but one that was hiding. He didn't want to give anything away through his expression but hints of deep-rooted regret and fear peeked through the cracks in his mask.

"Okay, I know this sounds really contradictory since I just said I'll help you with anything but... it doesn't feel right to tell you that. Jimin should be the one, but please go about it gently when asking."

It seems the ex-girlfriend here is a source of pain for more than just Jimin.

"Does he still love her?"

He drew in a deep breath before glancing at the entryway to ensure Jimins not around.

"Only he has the answer but I can assure, he definitetly used too. He was like a lovesick puppy, he'd die because of her."

'Because of her'? Not, 'for her'?. Slightly odd word choice.

The sound of shuffling footsteps from the hallways prompts me to put my questions aside for now.

"So what did you really want to ask me?" I ask him once more. I doubt he solely came here to play therapist.

His animated look returns and he blurts out the first thing on the top of his head.

"Does your dad really have blue flame for hair?"


"No? Where did you get that idea from?"

"The villain from the disney movie Hercules is meant to be your father. He usually has blue flames for hair."

Wait, wait, wait... Hercules as in cousin Hercules? And my dad is a villain? How? All he does is review soul applications of the dead¹. Maybe some other things... but thats not the point. He helps keep the undead in check, it's necessary for the balance of the universe.

"He's not a villain."

"Oh, I mean of course. It's just thats how Hades is typically portrayed in most media."


"What are you two talking about?" Jimin chimes in as he plops down onto the sofa. He does a double take at my exasperated look of confusion before staring at Namjoon for an explanation.

The poor guy just sheepishly smiles while pretending to adjust his permed fringe.

"Namjoon has just informed me that some preposterous little monster gremlin has been spreading false information about my father and now that is his mainstream image."

"Oh.. so no blue hair?"

"Not you too!"

After having everything I'd ever known turned upside down the three of us had dinner. Jimin cooked up some type of pasta with corn in it. He was very adamant that both Namjoon and I don't step foot in his kitchen though.

It was overall a pleasant evening that followed until Namjoon said we should exchange phone numbers. When I revealed I didn't have one he became rather cryptic.

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