Chapter 2

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By the time he comes around, several hours have gone by, a few of those men from last night knocked on his door, calling for 'Jimin', that must be his name. His eyes slowly peep open, one at a time, at first he seems calm, then his vision focuses on me.

"Hi?" I wave, further pushing the shards of broken vase behind me, praying he won't take notice.

He gasps, sliding away on his back gripping the side of his head, wincing in pain as he does. In the process of doing so, he hits the top of his head on a chair as well.


He finally sits up, both palms gripping his head, disorientedly looking around his own room.

Hm, maybe it's the extreme clumsiness that I'm supposed to help him with. That wouldn't really make sense though, someone with healing powers should have been sent to him, not me and my ability to set things on fire. Fire and clumsy, sounds like a recipe for disaster.

"neo.. you ...what," each word laden in exasperation, worry creasing his features as he takes talking rectangle into his hand once again, tapping on it again. With a sigh he looks back up at me, rectangle clutched in his hand, he slides his butt across the floor, getting closer.

Rectangle resting on his thigh as he holds both hands up like a guilty criminal as he approaches, I scoot closer too but he immediately slides away, wanting to maintain a specific distance between us. I'm skeptical about the talking rectangle but it has yet to do anything as of now, and if I kill my human before I complete the assignment... I'll be stuck on Earth forever.

He holds the rectangle between us, words written on it at the bottom again.

'This is phone, it will not hurt'

Oh a phone, I guess this is a newer version of the human invention, in the documents back home I read that phones had curly tails sprouting out of it and were attached to walls with wires. Humans are so creative, how cute.

He hands me the phone, sharply inhaling as one hand moves to shield his head


"Who are you?" is the first thing I ask but he shakes his head pointing at the phone.

Leaning closer to the phone I try again, a little unsure on how this goes "Who are you?"

He shakes his head once more, tapping on the little oval-ish grey icon in the corner, the same image as before now displayed on the screen, 4 dots.

"What?" I ask.

A loud beep resonates from the device, the same robotic voice from earlier speaking but he cancels it, pressing the x in the top right corner. He holds it between us, heavily sighing, making it more than evident his patience is quickly fading.

"Speak whe-"

"Who are you?"

"noo," he quietly whines, dragging a palm down his face "when its.. its ..aish paransaek mwo-" his face suddenly lights up "ah flu?"
(Blue what-)

I- what?

"Flu?" he says once more, sounding more like a question this time.

Yosh, I cannot be an inconvenience for the mortal any longer, it's time for a game of charades.

"Flu? Like influenza. Spanish flu?" I pretend to sneeze to further my point across.

He looks just as lost as I am, shaking his head slightly "Sí."

Isn't that yes? Is he switching over to Spanish right now.

"Sí?" I ask back, nodding my head.

He curves his palms, forming a circle with them when they join, "C."

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