Boy or girl???

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Today Valentina and Bill find out if they are going to have a son or a daughter. "Are you excited darling?" "Of course I'm excited honey." Bill hugged Valentina lovingly. "You don't have to worry. I'm here." After a few hours, the two lovebirds come home, overjoyed and hug each other. "It's going to be a girl. Can you believe that darling?" "No I can't darling. We're having a little princess. I'm so excited for her." Valentina giggles sweetly. "I love you darling, so much." "I love you too darling, more than anything." The two lovebirds kiss passionately, after which they cuddle up tightly. Bill lovingly places his hand on Valentina's stomach and carefully strokes it. "Dad loves you so much my little princess. I can't wait until you're finally here." Valentina grins and puts her hand on Bill's hand. "Mom loves you too little mouse."
Valentina lays her head on Bill's shoulder and closes her eyes. "And I love you too, Bill." Bill presses her a loving kiss on the forehead. "And I love you Valentina. Forever." The two spend a nice and relaxed day together, snuggled up close to each other.

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