A beautiful surprise

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January 2011

Valentina is just waking up and she realizes that she doesn't feel well, she has a strange feeling in her stomach and throat, like she's about to throw up.  Suddenly she feels nauseous, immediately runs to the bathroom and throws up.  She doesn't hear Bill coming into the bathroom and she doesn't feel that he puts his arms around her waist and strokes her waist.  When Valentina is done she realizes that Bill is there and puts her head on his shoulder.  "What's the matter darling? Aren't you alright?"  "I don't know what's going on darling. I suddenly felt nauseous."  "You threw up last week and yesterday too. You might want to take a pregnancy test darling."  "I'll do that. Give me a few minutes."  Bill leaves Valentina alone and she takes a pregnancy test.  She waits impatiently for the result.  Before looking at the result, she takes a deep breath.  "Now or never."  She watched the test excitedly, immediately stormed over to Bill and ran straight into his arms.  "So, are we going to be a threesome soon or not?"  "We'll soon be three. I'm pregnant."  The two lovebirds kiss passionately and long, then they fall into each other's arms.  "I can't believe it. We're having a baby. You really make me the happiest person in the world darling."  "Believe me, that's exactly what you make of me, my darling."
One week later
The two lovebirds enter the house full of joy and cuddle up close together.  "Can I see that picture again darling?"  "Of course you can see it honey."  Valentina takes an ultrasound picture out of her purse and the two lovebirds look at it.  "Look how small it is darling."  "I can hardly wait until our little angel is here."  "I can't wait too, darling. Unfortunately, it's still going to take a while."  "The 9 months will have flown by. I promise honey."  "That's true, but until then let's enjoy the time we have left together."  Bill kisses Valentina lovingly, how much the two lovebirds are already looking forward to the offspring, they are overjoyed.

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