She closed her eyes, accepting her fate and stopped struggling, forcing herself to calm down as much as she could. She turned back and locked eyes with dooku, staring him down as the collar wrapped around her neck and locked with a definitive 'click'. The droid stepped back, returning to his post, and the guards behind the senators backed off too.

Bail went to Kyah's side. placing a hand on her arm as he leaned down to look at the collar.

"I'm okay." Kyah said quietly, nodding up at him, but Bail was entirely unconvinced.

He wrapped an arm around her as he turned back to Dooku. "Your cruelty knows know bounds." He said with disgust.

Before anyone could say anything more, a roaring cheer rose up from outside the palace, drawing everyone's attention.

"The broadcast has begun. Soon the Duchess, will be no more." He declared, looked perfectly pleased with himself.

Long, heavy minutes ticked past. The cries of the crowds outside, rose and fell several more times, then silence fell over the city.

Dooku's smile grew wider as he leaned back in the throne. Kyah and Bail exchanged worried glances, as they continued to wait, hoping beyond hope that the Jedi had reached Satine in time.

Suddenly the door behind them flew open, and a panicked, winded councilmen burst inside.

Every droid in the room immediately turned their aim on him, and he cried out fearfully, hiding his face, "Don't shoot!" He begged, and Dooku motioned for them to stand down.

"Councilmen Baroch, I hope you bring me good news." He said threateningly, and the councilmen gulped.

Baroch, walked forwards nervously, hardly even noticing Kyah and Bail as he passed them to stand before Dooku. "My lord, the Jedi found us in the great hall." He said and watched Dooku's expression harden, "They freed the Duchess before your orders could be carried out." His voice was as quiet as a mouse, as he visibly shook, "I alone escaped to warn you."

"Your honesty does you credit Councilmen." Dooku nodded as he rose from the chair, "Your failure does not." He added in a low and gravely voice as he raised his hand into a tightening fist, and Baroch lifted off the ground, grasping at his throat as his legs dangled helplessly.

"Have you no mercy for your own coconspirators?" Bail asked as the man's face turned fiercely red, and his gargling gasps faded out.

"Mercy? No, I have no mercy." He declared as Baroch's twitching stopped and his hands fell limp beside him.

Kyah closed her eyes, looking away as the crumpled form collapsed to the floor with a heavy thud.

Dooku sat back down with a heavy sigh, "Remove him." He ordered one of the battle droids. "If the councilmen had time enough to reach us, then the Jedi won't be far behind." Dooku sighed, "While we wait, why don't we test out our little incentive device?" He said and the cold smile returned to his long face.

"There's no need." Bail shook his head, looking around as the guards once again pulled him away from Kyah.

"It's okay." She said to him, as dread rose in the pit of her stomach, and the guards brought her closer to the Count.

Kyah stood before dooku, staring with determination as she steeled her emotions, forcing herself to focus on controlling her reaction, she couldn't let it slip that she was a Jedi, not yet.

Dooku tilted his head curiously as he stared down at her, "I commend you Senator for your bravery." He said as he drew a small, silver remote from his pocket. "I can see why Anakin is so taken with you." He smirked.

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