Chapter 9

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Harry was able to be discharged the next day, but he was to be kept under constant supervision. Normally that wouldn't be necessary, but he was Harry Potter after all.

Hermione had brought an extremely grumpy Harry home, who only became tolerable once he saw Draco sitting on his couch.


"Alright Potter, let's get you settled shall we?"

"Did you clean?"

"I'm allergic to dust. This place was coated in it."

"I'm not here very much," Harry replied lightly.

"This poor house. It's going to look ten times better before I go back home."

"I don't think you can make that progress in a couple of hours."

"Hours? Try a week."

Harry's mouth fell open, and he stared at Draco.

"You're staying?"

"Of course I'm staying. Someone has to take care of you and make sure you don't do anything else stupid. No offense Granger, but if you put three impulsive Gryffindors together, you lose all sense of self-preservation."

"That... that is fair. You're in good hands Harry. I think."

"I'm in the best hands. Draco will take the best care of me," Harry replied earnestly, silently urging her to leave.

"You better let him," Hermione threatened before she left. "I'll check in tomorrow to make sure you're both still alive."

"Did she just adopt me?," Draco asked, wrinkling his nose after Hermione had gone.

"She did. Welcome to the family."

"And here I thought I'd have to marry into it," Draco replied sarcastically, fiddling with Harry's pillows.

"If you're proposing, the answer is yes."

"As if."

"What, you wouldn't marry me?"

"I'm sorry, are you proposing now?"

"And if I was?"

"I'd say if you get down on one knee you'd re-bruise your ribs. I think the medications are getting to you. Go to sleep."

"All I've done is sleep," Harry huffed, pulling the blanket tighter to his chest.

"That means you're healing."

"It means that I miss spending time with you because I'm asleep."

"Oh. I suppose I can do with a nap."


"Budge up. I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't, but I appreciate you."

Harry fell asleep almost immediately, leaning against Draco. Draco had missed him terribly, the distance really beginning to get to him. He was terrified that there was a chance Harry wouldn't wake up, and he did a lot of thinking about things he'd left unsaid. Maybe once Harry was healed, Draco would have the courage to tell him how he felt.

He shouldn't have to tell him though. How many times had Draco said that he would never come back to England unless it was for a good reason? He had denied visiting Harry in the past, did he not realize what this meant? Draco had dropped absolutely everything to be here, and he hoped Harry would realize that.

Or, maybe not. That would make Harry feel extremely guilty, that Draco had dropped everything to be here. Draco had gone home briefly to collect whatever paperwork he could to be able to work from home. Thankfully, the potions lab was not needed this week. There were contracts to read, new potion ideas to sort, and a Harry to take care of.

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