Chapter 8

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The week Draco had spent together with Harry had been perfect, which made the radio silence from Harry even more confusing. It had only been about 10 hours to be fair, but Harry always responded to the touches from Draco's bracelet. Draco went to sleep, ready to wake up to a letter from Harry, but it never came. This was unlike Harry, and Draco was officially worried.

"I'm going to kill him," Draco swore out loud, grabbing floo powder and saying an address he never thought he would utter. "12 Grimmauld Place."

The house looked empty, and there seemed to be a thin layer of dust coating the surfaces.

"Potter?," Draco called, carefully walking around the ground floor.

There was no answer, so he made his way upstairs, until he found what he presumed to be Harry's room. Fumbling for a light switch, he took in the state of the room. To be honest, Draco expected a mess. On the contrary, the room didn't even look lived in. The bed looked like it hadn't been in weeks, which made Draco even more worried.

He knew he shouldn't have, but he poked around through Harry's things trying to find a clue as to where he could have been. Instead, Draco found Harry's invisibility cloak, and he knew what he had to do. He would use that to somehow sneak into the Ministry and find Harry. Then, he was going to kill him for making him so worried he broke one of the only promises he had ever made to himself. 

Draco whipped around to storm back down the stairs, when Harry's dresser caught his eye. His curiosity getting the better of him, Draco stepped forward to examine the contents. The dresser held many reminders of the adventures Harry and Draco had been on through the years, and Draco felt quite touched. He hadn't expected to find a photo of them playing quidditch next to the first photo they had ever taken together, and a smile made its way onto Draco's face before he remembered he was supposed to be mad.

Making his way downstairs, he was pondering how he should go about getting to the Ministry, when his gaze fell upon the front door. Frowning, Draco stepped forward to find a recent copy of The Prophet. It must have arrived during the time where Draco was investigating.

Picking it up, the headline immediately made the paper fall back out of his hands. Cursing, he walked outside and immediately apparated as close to Saint Mango's as he dared.

With the invisibility cloak on, Draco was waiting for someone to enter the building so that he could sneak in with them. It took about 10 minutes of anxious pacing until someone finally showed up, and he narrowly made it into the building.

The tricky part was going to be finding Harry's room and sneaking in there. No doubt there would be Aurors stationed outside of the door, and it would be a lot harder to sneak past them. Draco lingered near the front desk, waiting for a moment to check the log books. His time came when someone requested the room of a patient, who just so happened to be on the same floor as Harry.

Draco took the stairs two at a time after casting a silencing charm, and was out of breath by the time he hit Harry's floor. Panting, he could spot the Auror trying and failing to be inconspicuous as he walked up and down the hallway. It was just his luck that Granger arrived 5 minutes later, so he was able to sneak in behind her.

He watched as she dragged a chair to sit next to his bed, and Draco carefully sat down in the chair across the room. Closing his eyes, he prepared himself for the worse before he glanced at Harry. He had minor bruising on his face and a busted lip, but it was what Draco couldn't see that worried him.

"Facial bruising, broken ribs that punctured a lung, burns on his arms, and he sprained an ankle. The lung was the worst of his injuries thankfully, but he shouldn't have been injured at all."

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